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Vennessa's pov

The sound of something spilling onto the couch startled me back into reality.


Flustered I jumped up from the couch as Mr. Dalton blots up the mess with handkerchief. " I'm so sorry I didn't do it intentionally, I don't know what I was thinking I - I'm so sorry I'll clean I- " "shush It's okay, things happen it was my fault, really no need to apologise. Let's pretend it never happened " he put hushed me with his index finger on my lips.

" chalk it up to too much bourbon in general " he jokingly said. I'm sure he wasn't just talking about the spill but I was eager to nod and put whatever the hell that was behind me.

"yeah, just too much bourbon." I nervously said. " I let the time get away from me, and I still have something to show you. Let's continue our walk, shall we?? " he asked. "sure thing. lead the way"

Head still spinning, I follow Mr. Dalton down the hall. I caught myself checking him out shamelessly. (Ven!! You've got to calm yourself down....he's Samuelson Dalton! Billionaire, professional, potential boss. If you need to get some, get it some where else.) "right in here"

Mr. Dalton opens the door and leads me into a.... Bedroom?? Images from my dream this morning flooded my mind. "are you ready to work hard for me venn?? " "Ms. Ferrante did you hear me?? If you want the job, it's yours you can move into your room tomorrow." "really??? OMG!!!! Thank you so much sir!!!" I impulsively threw my arms around Mr. Dalton in an elated hug. Then realized I can feel every inch of his body along mine... My face flushed. My mind was telling me to pull back but my body had some other plans. I caught myself indulging in his muscular arms.  I savor the brief opportunity to press my body against his. Inhaling his scent.

pulled away myself from him "  hope you'll excuse me Mr. Dalton it's just.... this opportunity means so much to me." I finally step back and Mr. Dalton blinks, swallowing hard. He offered me his hand with the a gentle smile." think nothing of it. And, considering we'll be sharing such close quarters, I think you should probably start calling me 'Sam', assuming of course, that it's OK to call you... Vennessa??" he asked. "of course, I can't wait to move in and get to know you and your beautiful family...sam" 

Author's pov

The next morning, you've almost finished packing up your stuff, when you lock your eyes with vennessa's bestie jessica.

"anyway, the money's great, the kids are great and... Sam Is... great, it's basically a great way to kill time while I figure out what to do with post-grad degree" I told her. "I get it. The bio-Tech billionaire is 'great'. But how Hot is he?? Like on scale of 'clothes fresh from the dryer' to 'I'm chewing tobasco',  he's...?" she squint her eyes at me " Jessica...those eyes... That hair... Not to mention the body on this man- he's my boss though!!! So nothing's going to happen" I tried to convince her....or perhaps myself "I've to see this for myself "  Jessica grabbed her phone and does a quick search... "Damn he's dreamy, lookin' gorgeous at this charity ball, looking gorgeous shaking hands with our senator. Ooooohhh look, star gossip just added a news Alert about him... 'BILLIONAIRE SAMUELSON DALTON IS TYING THE KNOT'?! " Jessica shows you her phone, and there, in undeniable black and white, you read the breaking news for yourself. "Sam's... Engaged?!"


Sorry for this short update but I'll try my best to give y'all updates as fast as I can please vote it's free and Gove me reviews please my cute potutus

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