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No one pov..

After shaking hands, Lucifer and Alastor each take a step back, assessing the other once again. Lucifer's guard is slightly lowered now, although he still remains cautious of Alastor's motives. With the deal made, the tense atmosphere in the room slowly seems to ease up. The air feels lighter now, but there's still an undercurrent of tension lingering between the two.

As Alastor backs away, he notices a change in his body. He feels an uncomfortable sensation in his lower part, The discomfort is slowly turning into an intense arousal, and he struggles to try and contain himself.

Alastor drops to his knees .Lucifer  seems to be  concerned for him, wondering what could be causing this.
Lucifer quickly rushes forward to assist Alastor as he drops to his knees, a slight panic in his movements. He tries to help support the larger male as he struggles to maintain his composure.

Lucifer besides Alastor, a slight panic in his voice as he asks, "AL? Are you okay?" His tone is full of both concern and uncertainty. He tries to get Alastor's attention.What made you like this?" he asks, his voice full of genuine concern.

Alastor answers, "Remember my rut? Yeah, that..." He trails off, the intense arousal becoming increasingly difficult to control. It's clear that his body is responding quite intensely to the sudden hormonal cravings and urges.

Lucifer feels a sense of anxiety rise inside him as he senses the intense arousal and discomfort that Alastor is experiencing. He is unsure of what would be appropriate or helpful in the situation, but he wants to help his
(Boy) friend out any way. He considers offering his assistance, but he's not sure how Alastor would respond.
"D-Do you want me to help?" he asks softly 

Lucifer's suggestion catches Alastor off guard for a moment. Alastor smiles sheepishly, although there's still some discomfort and arousal in his lower region. "Thank you, but I think I can handle it. Just get me some jambalaya and ill be good to go!."

Lucifer is taken aback by Alastor's request. He wasn't expecting such a simple request in response to his offer of assistance. But, he can understand that Alastor is probably struggling to maintain composure and control. So, he nods quickly and hurries off to the kitchen to try and make some jambalaya for the hungry (and Horny) male.

Lucifer rushes to the door to prepare the jambalaya as per Alastor's request, but he stops to take a moment to look outside. The place is empty and eerily quiet, which is strange since the others are  crowding around the area like husk , Angel , Charlie , nifty and vaggie . Even stranger, it's night outside. How long has he been in Alastor's room for?

Lucifer stares st the window outside at the dark night sky, incredulous . "My God, it's literally night time?!” He exclaims to himself, his voice filled with both confusion and disbelief.

Lucifer snaps out of his thinking and realises he needs to get back to preparing that jambalaya. He turns away from the window and starts rummaging through the supplies to find all the ingredients he needs to put together a nice, hearty dish for the hungry ass male.

Lucifer mixes all the ingredients together in a bowl and adds the Cajun seasoning, paprika, and thyme for flavour. He adds just enough water to cover the rice and makes sure to stir the mixture periodically to ensure everything is cooked evenly. As he waits for the jambalaya to finish cooking

After lucifer waits for around 40 minutes the Jambalaya was cooked, Lucifer carefully puts it on a plate and starts making his way back to Alastor's room with the dish. He feels slightly anxious, not knowing how the  male will react to the dish.

Lucifer knocks on the door of Alastor's room, slightly eager to discover the hungry male's reaction to the jambalaya he so lovingly prepared. He waits for a response, his heart pounding in anticipation.

Lucifer sighs with relief when he hears the familiar voice of Alastor saying, "Come in." The sudden rush of adrenaline he feels is still pounding in his chest, but at least he now has the opportunity to give the food to the hungry male. He opens the door and walks into the room, the dish of jambalaya in his hands.

As Alastor sees the plate of jambalaya, his eyes light up with glee. He is quickly overcome with intense cravings, the urge to eat the delicious dish overwhelming his thoughts. Before Lucifer can say anything, Alastor grabs the plate from his hands and starts shoving the food into his mouth like a Beast.

As Alastor eats the delicious jambalaya, he smiles at Lucifer, enjoying the dish immensely. "These taste just like my mother's," he says between mouthfuls, his voice muffled due to the food. Indeed, it seems that Lucifer's cooking skills have delighted Alastor and brought back memories of the delicious food he was raised on.

Lucifer smiles proudly when he hears Alastor compliment his cooking skills. " I'm glad you enjoyed my cooking," he replies. He's pleased to see the larger male enjoying the meal, and perhaps even more pleased with himself due to his culinary success

Lucifer is feeling quite tired, so he decides to rest on Alastor's bed while Alastor is busy eating his freshly prepared meal. Alastor doesn't seem to mind Lucifer's presence and continued eating without pause. When Alastor finishes eating he lets out a satisfied sigh, relieved that the intense hunger and discomfort he was experiencing before has subsided.

After eating his delicious meal, Alastor heads to the bed and climbs in next to the sleeping Lucifer. It is a quiet and peaceful moment as the two males snuggle up together in the bed, both exhausted from their recent adventures. Alastor wraps his arms around Lucifer's body, holding him close and enjoying the comfort of his presence.

The both of the Two Slept in peace while cuddling <3

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