Chapter 4 First Rewards

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The young woman and the beast were still at odds. A large part of the beast's left eyelid was beginning to swell as it found it more difficult to lift them open.

There was still not a clear winner of the fight, which had been going on for more than a minute. As Lucy sidestepped another blow, the bear grew increasingly irritated.

However, after a few more hits, dust clouds began to envelop the area they were in. The beast noticed that it couldn't sense the girl around anymore with the dust hindering its smell, It paused for a moment and twitched its ears.

The beast found it strange that the girl had stopped throwing rocks, and after a short while it heard something skittering, a few meters to its right.


The little girl fled cleverly used the large trunks to out maneuver it as the beast growled in frustration when another of its attacks missed. It was mistaken to think that this creature was trying to take his food but this one was also like that little thing, a prey!

It rushed to the sound, following the young woman.

As the dust settled, the beast saw her quickly picking up something and stood her ground with the tree behind her. She didn't even attempt to escape!

Dead human! The beast angrily declared to itself as it tried to slow down and devour this creature.

Guh! Groaar! Argh!

But the beast didn't taste anything other than his own blood and saliva. Its head was pierced, causing it to fling itself up and writhe in agony as it tried to deal with the damage it received from the collision!


While the beast thrashed around, the young woman got out of its way as she gazed at the long, thick piece of branch lodged in its right eye. It dangled in front of the beast's face as it tried to remove it.

Contrary to the beast's thoughts about the young woman's actions, she didn't give up or flee a few seconds ago. She took up a thick, sharp-edged branch and positioned its duller side parallel to the tree trunk behind her with the sharp end aimed at the incoming opponent. Ultimately, the bear's decision to slow down was the right one!

As a result, both of the beast's eyes become useless. It thrashed itself around, attempting to break free of the branch. The beast's thick skull and strong constitution prevented the branch from penetrating any deeper, so it was very lucky that it slowed down just enough saving its life.

To not get hit accidentally by the one-ton beast, Lucy backed off and watched the beast as it thrashed around in an attempt to remove the branch that pierced its right eye.

Lucy released a pained smile as she thought, 'I hope Ash got home safely. I-I think it can no longer see that well. Maybe it's safe to run away now?'

"Hiss!" Lucy sucked a breath off the cold morning air after she failed to stand back up. Unknowingly, her left ankle was hurt in the fight earlier. She didn't know when, but it was easy to notice now that her adrenaline was wearing off. She was struggling to come up with what to do next, but her heart froze when a series of deep barks disrupted her thoughts.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

Both of the fighters' attention shifted to the source. Ash appeared with his big ears on alert. Lucy was gazing at Ash and saw him nodding at her as she saw him take a firm step forward.

The beast became weary and made sure to remember Lucy's position. With both of its eyes useless, it can now only rely on its ears and nose to locate its opponents.


After a couple more aggressive sniffs, its head snapped towards Ash. They remembered that this was the food he was about to eat earlier before being snatched away by the thief!

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