Bernard and Mother's Nature Second in Command

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Requested by @LilyIsSusWritings , Thank you so much for the suggestion <3

It was a normal day in the North Pole, Curtis annoying Bernard as usual...but this day was different in particular...

"Bernard there's someone you need to meet!" Scott Calvin or Santa Claus how the elves know him as, he called down as he looked down to where Bernard was. He was busy talking to Curtis before his eyes widened slightly, He quickly made his way to Scott. 

"Who is it that I'm meeting?" Bernard Asks out of curiosity.

"You'll see" Scott answered as he made his way to his meeting room where Mother Nature and Y/N were sitting down waiting for Scott to return, Once Scott returned. Mother Nature smiled at Bernard,

"Hello Bernard, It's good to see you again" Mother Nature said cheerfully before she looked at Y/N.

"Bernard, this is Y/N my second in command" Mother Nature added.

"Hello!" Y/N waved at Bernard, she was really happy to see Bernard.

"Hey.." Bernard spoke in a grumpy tone, he didn't mind Mother Nature's kind and cheerful spirit but Y/N's spirit felt like it was going to be a handful...

Bernard couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something about Y/N that irked him. Perhaps it was her boundless cheerfulness, her infectious laughter, or her penchant for spreading joy wherever she went. Whatever it was, it grated on Bernard's nerves like an itch he couldn't scratch.

The Next Day, Bernard accounted Y/N in the workshop since she was most likely to stay until Bernard was being nice to Y/N

"Good morning, Bernard!" Y/N chimed as she skipped past him one bright morning, her voice dripping with sunshine.

Bernard grumbled in response, barely acknowledging her presence as he walked around the workshop.

Undeterred by his cold demeanor, Y/N continued to shower Bernard with warmth and affection, offering him a smile every time their paths crossed and lending a helping hand whenever she could.

As days turned into weeks, Bernard found himself begrudgingly warming up to Y/N's presence. Despite his initial reservations, he couldn't deny the genuine kindness that radiated from her, like a beacon of light cutting through the darkness of his annoyance.

One afternoon, as Bernard toiled away in the depths of the workshop, Y/N approached him with a basket filled with freshly picked berries that she got from Illinois since Scott decided to let her go there to get some treats.

"I thought you might like a snack," she said, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

Bernard hesitated for a moment before accepting the offering, his heart softening at the gesture.

"Thank you, Y/N," he muttered, his gruff exterior faltering ever so slightly.

From that day forward, Bernard found himself seeking out Y/N's company more and more, drawn to the warmth and compassion she exuded with every breath.

Slowly but surely, the ice around Bernard's heart began to melt, replaced by a newfound fondness for the cheerful second-in-command of Mother Nature.

And as the seasons continued to change, weaving their intricate tapestry of life and renewal, Y/N and Bernard stood side by side, united in their shared love for the enchanted realm they called home. For in the embrace of Mother Nature's boundless love, even the most unlikely of friendships could blossom and thrive.

"Told you they would get along at some point" Mother Nature said as she looked at Scott.

"Took him a while to open up" Scott joked. 

Mother Nature and Scott watched Y/N and Bernard interact, the once moody Elf and Cheerful Second in Command of Mother Nature finally getting along.

I hope you enjoyed it <3 

Word count:584

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