The City

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The taxi ride through the chaotic streets of New York City felt like a heart-pounding roller coaster, with me, Amelia - or Milie for short - clutching my suitcase for dear life as the fearless driver navigated through a maze of yellow cabs and bustling pedestrians. The city's energy pulsed around us, a vibrant symphony of honking horns and hurried footsteps that both exhilarated and unnerved me.

Arriving at Kira's apartment building in the eclectic neighbourhood of Park Slope, Brooklyn, a sense of relief washed over me. The graffiti-adorned walls seemed to engage in a lively debate between modern art and traditional murals, a quirky touch to the otherwise dreary grey building.

I made my way up what felt like a never-ending staircase, wondering how Kira had dubbed her place a "charming walkup", because it felt more like a vertical trek up Mount Everest.

Finally reaching Kira's door, I braced myself for the whirlwind that was my friend.

We met in art school, her a designer, me a sculptor, united by a shared disdain for pretentious artists and a love for creative chaos. Kira's vibrant personality and unmatched enthusiasm for life had drawn me in from the start. After one of our classes together, Kira approached me. Her eyes wide with excitement, two space buns in her hair capturing her messy blue hair, and blue overalls to match.

That was her thing - matching her overalls to her hair. You wouldn't believe the amount of overalls she owns.

We went for coffee and chatted. She told me she was an aspiring designer and her inspiration idols were Bob Mackie and Karl Lagerfeld. She talked about growing up in Ojai, California, her grand-parents having immigrated to the United States from Korea a few generations ago. We laughed as she told me the crazy things she did in high school and how she ended up at The Otis College of Art and Design much to her parents' chagrin.

I, being from the small town Carmel-by-the-Sea, was excited to meet someone with otherworldly views. She was fun, exciting, energetic, and outgoing in contrast to my introverted, shy, and kind-hearted demeanor.

We ended up being the perfect team and spent our time at college attached at the hip. We had plans to move to NYC together sometime after graduation to pursue our artistic careers but after my accident those plans were shattered for me.

Kira moved to NYC at the end of the summer, waiting to see if I would end up joining, and moved into a teenie tiny apartment in Brooklyn. Her parents had made a great fortune in the States when they started a tech company and we're now rich (as fuck). Kira was given a stipend to buy a place in New York because she told them she would be going to school to pursue a degree in Finance. That was a complete lie and her monthly stipend was now being used to pay for a $5,000 loft in Brooklyn near her apartment that she could use as a studio.

Her tiny run down apartment is being paid by her salary from her job as waitress/bartender.

As the door swung open, Kira stood before me, fabric draped over her shoulder, a paintbrush in one hand and a huge cup of coffee in the other, a streak of blue paint across her nose like a badge of honor.

"Milie Vanillie! You made it!" she exclaimed, her voice a harmonious blend of excitement and caffeine-induced enthusiasm.

I grinned and stepped into the cozy chaos that was Kira's apartment. "Hey, Kira! Did you redecorate since I last saw you, or did the bohemian aesthetic come with the apartment?"

Kira laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, you know me, always turning chaos into art. And this place? It's the Taj Mahal of 'quaint meets questionable wiring.'"

After a warm embrace and quick tour of the art-strewn apartment, we settled on the couch amidst a sea of creative clutter. Kira handed me a mug of coffee that could probably double as jet fuel.

"Cheers to you finally making it," Kira declared, clinking her mug against mine with theatrical flair.

I took a sip, feeling the caffeine rush mingle with the excitement of the city. "To art, coffee, and crumbling walls," I added with a playful wink.

The night unfolded with laughter, witty banter, and plans that ranged from ambitious art installations to finding the best slice of pizza in the neighborhood. Amidst the shared memories and dreams, I felt a sense of belonging and anticipation for the adventures awaiting me in this vibrant city.

"So, spill it, Milie," Kira said, using my old college nickname. "What's the real story behind your sudden leap to New York?"

I took a deep breath, my gaze turning serious for a moment. "It was the accident, Kira. After everything, I realized I couldn't keep waiting for life to happen. I needed a change, a challenge. And I had always regretted not coming here with you in the first place, you know?"

Kira nodded, understanding glint in her eyes. "I get it, Milie. You've been through so much and I'm so proud of how far you've come." Kira tucked her legs under her on the sofa and looked at me seriously. "So, how did Justin take the move?"

I let out a sigh at the mention of my ex-boyfriend and looked down at my coffee mug, "I'll need something stronger than coffee to talk about him." I try to laugh.

Kira knows how difficult it was to leave everyone behind, and although Justin was a straight up douchebag I still felt affected by our relationship and what I had left behind.

Kira nods, looking deep in thought before she states, "Well, I'm glad you left that asshole."

I let out a loud laugh and threw my head back on the sofa.

This. This is what I needed.

As the conversation shifted to my plans, I shared my excitement about the interviews I had lined up for tomorrow.

"..Art teacher, Nanny, Dog Groomer-"

"Dog groomer?" Kira interjected, laughter bubbling up. "You've never even owned a dog, let alone groomed one."

I chuckle. "I'm casting a wide net, hoping to land something that allows me to balance my art with paying the bills."

Kira grinned. "Well, with your charm and creativity, I have no doubt you'll nail those interviews. And in the meantime, we'll turn this tiny apartment into a masterpiece of bohemian chic."

And with that, we dove back into a laughter-filled evening, the promise of new adventures and artistic endeavors shimmering like a beacon in the city's endless possibilities.

That night, as I drifted off to sleep on Kira's lumpy couch, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for the journey ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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