Chapter XXIII: The Town of Mare

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Will woke to Kayla shaking him awake. "Do you have a map?" She asked him. "I might," he said groggily. He sat up and glanced at Nico. Will smiled at him. He noticed Nico's cheek get a little pink. He lightly chuckled at that. Kayla looked between the two, suspecting something but not saying anything about it.

The prince grabbed his bag and searched it for a map. He pulled out the map. He handed it to Kayla and she grabbed it.

She opened it and asked, "Where are we?" "Can I see it?" Nico asked. She gave him the map. "I'm guessing the red dot is where we started?" Nico asked, and looked up at Will for confirmation. He nodded. "Okay," Nico said. He starts tracing a lien on the map with his finger. Will got a fruit container (fruit cup but bigger) and ate some of them while he waited for Nico to find their approximate location.

10 fruit slices later, Nico found their location. Will tried tracing the path as well, and he agreed that was right. Nico found the closest town. The town of Mare, part of the Sea Kingdom, which was around 12 miles away. So, they set off in that direction.

Will walked in the front, Kayla in the back. Nico was originally in the middle but he caught up with Will and walked next to him. They didn't talk. They just walked in contented silence.

3 hours later, Kayla started expressing how tired she was of walking. Will was too. But he kept going. "Just a few more miles, we're almost there," he told her. She sighed and kept going.

After around 25 minutes, Nico ran ahead and spotted Mare. "Almost there! I see it!" He shouted. Will and Kayla glanced at each other and ran to where Nico was standing. Will saw the town. "Come on," he said. He ran ahead, and the two both followed. They finally made it.

As they walked through Mare, they noticed a few people recognized them as royals. The ones who did bowed slightly, or got out of the trio's way.

They soon arrived at an inn. They entered. Kayla went up to the owner and asked for three rooms. "We don't have three available at the moment, but we do have one with three beds," the owner said. Kayla looked back at Will and Nico. Will shrugged. "That works," she told the owner.

They got the room key and they entered. "This is a pretty good room," Will said. "Yeah," Nico replied. They each went to a bed.

They each wrote letters to their respective kingdoms, with the exception of Will, since no one knew how to get to the Golden Kingdom. He used the small token he had to send a message.

That night, Will was relived to be sleeping on a bed. He may be used to sleeping in the wild, but that doesn't mean he needs to enjoy parts of it.

He was just lying down when Nico walked over. "Uh- Kayla is taking a shower. Do you want to take one after or can I?" He asked. "You can, It's fine," Will said. Nico nods.

Nico looked like he wanted to say something else. Will sat up. "You look like you're gonna say something," he said. Nico sat on the edge of the beds "Yeah, um, so last night..." he said. "Yeah?" Will asked, knowing exactly what Nico was saying. "Are we... in a relationship now or something?" Nico asked. "If you want to be in one," Will answered. "Oh. Yeah, I do," Nico said, blushing slightly. Will smiled. "Then it's settled," he said. He gives Nico a quick kiss on the lips. Nico's face turned a little redder. Will smiled. He thought it was cute when Nico was like that.

Nico went back to his bed. A few minutes later, Kayla came out of the bathroom in her clothes. "Wish I brought pajamas," she said. Nico got up. "My turn," he said, and headed into the bathroom and closed the door.

Kayla sat on her bed. She laid on her bed. She sighed with relief.

After around 10 minutes, Will was about to drift off to sleep until Nico came out of the bathroom. "I get what you mean, Kayla, I wish I had pajamas," he said. He walked to his bed and sat down. "We can go to a store for clothes tomorrow while we wait for the carriages," Will said. Nico nodded.

Will got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After, he lied down in his bed and drifted off to sleep.


Will woke up the next morning, finally feeling rested. He sat up on the edge of his bed. The prince saw Nico walking out the bathroom. Nico noticed Will. "Morning," he said. "Good morning," Will replied.

Will didn't have much to do to get ready for the day. He did what he could. "Once Kayla wakes up, we should go downstairs for breakfast," he told Nico. Nico nodded.

Soon enough, Kayla woke, and after she got ready they went and got breakfast from the owner of the inn. The owner started to suspect their identities, especially after he saw how much money they had. But he didn't say anything about it.

The trio went to a store and bought the basic necessities needed for living in this town for a few days. Clothes, some food, better soap. Once they were done, they went back to the inn.

Each of them changed into their new clothes. Nico still had the armor vest, but otherwise it was new.

Will and absolutely nothing to do. He read, explored Mare, and practiced archery in the forest. None of it cured his boredom. The mission itself was fine. Sort of fun. But this part? Nope. He really hoped the carriages would get there soon.


And soon they came. The trio was exiting the inn when the Sun Kingdom carriage came. Everyone was staring. Kayla said goodbye and she left in the carriage. Will quickly went in the inn and paid the owner for all three of them.

Soon enough, the Shadow Kingdom carriage came. People stared at that as well. Nico looked at the carriage, then glanced at Will. He walked up to Will and kissed him. The kiss lasted a couple seconds, but then Nico pulled away and said, "Bye." "Bye," Will replied.

Later, the Golden Kingdom carriage arrived. This one caused surprise and everyone stared at that too. Everyone had heard of the famed Golden Kingdom that recently revealed themselves. They stared as Will got in.

The carriage rode away. Soon, they were at the Golden Kingdom. The first mission was officially over.

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