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Third pov:

 For Meera and Adrian, their days were filled with blissful anticipation. After aceding their dance competition audition, Meera, Elena, and Dahlia, were ecstatic to be selected for the first round! Their electrifying mixed dance routine left the audience speechless.

Adrian juggled his time between Meera and his responsibilities, managing his tasks remotely while cherishing moments with her. True to his promise, he curbed his smoking and drinking habits, even resisting the urge to return to underground boxing, though it proved to be a challenging battle.  Meera, sensing his internal battle, knew the dangers of the underground circuit. Instead of simply encouraging him to stop cold turkey, she offered a more realistic solution. "Why not try our college boxing club, Adrian?" she suggested gently. "It's a controlled environment, and it might help you channel that energy."

Adrian, surprised by her understanding, considered the idea. It wouldn't be the same adrenaline rush as the underground fights, but it could be a healthy outlet. "Maybe you're right, Fresa," he admitted a flicker of hope in his eyes. "Maybe this is the distraction I need."

With Meera's unwavering support and a newfound outlet for his competitive spirit, Adrian embraced the college boxing club. Their love deepened with each passing day, With each passing day, their love for each other blossomed even more.

Meera pov:

The cool night air swirled around me as I crept onto the balcony, phone pressed tightly to my ear. A shy grin spread across my face as I spotted Adrian on his balcony, mirroring my pose. the dim light accentuated the sharp angles of his face, or perhaps it was the sleeveless t-shirt clinging to his well-toned arms, the silver glint of his chain caught the light, He looked undeniably handsome, his features softened by the moonlight and the genuine happiness radiating from his smile.

A blush threatened to erupt across my cheeks as I tried to focus on our conversation. "So, Adrian," I ventured, my voice hushed, "how was your first day at the boxing club?" A groan rumbled through the receiver. A moment later, Adrian's voice came through, laced with exasperation. "Ay, Meera, don't even get me started!" he exclaimed. "Those kids are like glass dolls – one punch from me and they'd shatter! Before I could even land a decent jab, they were running for the hills. What am I supposed to do with all this pent-up energy?"

I stifled a giggle at his frustration, picturing him towering over some wide-eyed freshman. There was a hint of amusement in his voice too, despite the annoyance.

"¡Maldita sea!(damn it)" he muttered under his breath, a phrase that went over my head.

"What's that?" I asked confusedly.

He chuckled a low rumble that sent shivers down my spine. "Just some colorful vocabulary, Fresa," he replied smoothly, his voice dripping with a hint of swagger. "these rules and regulations are killing me. Coach Marshall keeps telling me to stick to decent punches and kicks, but you know that's not exactly my style."

"Well," I said, trying to sound encouraging, "maybe this is a good way to channel your energy and learn some discipline. Besides, wouldn't it be satisfying to win a match using only your fists and feet?"

 "Sounds like you might have a secret weapon up your sleeve for the competition, Fresa," he teased.

I smiled the conversation a welcome distraction from the nagging worry in my heart. "It's going well, at least," I admitted. We continued our sweet nothings for a while, stealing precious moments of connection in the quiet night.

But the worry crept back in, a shadow over my happiness. "There's just this one thing..." I began hesitantly, finally voicing the concern that had been gnawing at me. "You know, lately, Naveen...he seems lost."

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