~||Secrets Revealed||~

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      A relaxing sigh left (Y/n)'s lips as she felt the boiling hot water hit her skin. She had come to her own dorm immediately after the last challenge to get ready for the party Johnny was going to throw. Even though Johnny had promised to be nice to Mike and the rest of OK, she couldn't help but feel like something about this wasn't right. As she stepped out of the shower and got dressed, she decided to burry that feeling deep deep down. This was a chance for her to hang out with her boyfriend, her best friend, and his frat, and she wasn't going to let a little unsettlement stop her from enjoying her night. She did her makeup and her hair, before checking herself out in the mirror.

 She did her makeup and her hair, before checking herself out in the mirror

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      Liking what she saw, she grabbed her phone, and hurried out of the dorms

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      Liking what she saw, she grabbed her phone, and hurried out of the dorms. She decided to walk her way to the Frat House, deciding that she would like the scenic route this time. She also didn't want to mess up her hair with the wind. Upon her arrival, she saw that plenty of monsters had already arrived. Her eyes began to scan the crowd, and while she couldn't spot Mike or OK, she did spot Johnny standing on his front porch with Chet and some other monsters.
      Smiling, she walked over to him. He spotted her once she reached the front porch steps and a casual smirk fell on his face. "Hey now, there's my girl." He said, holding an arm out for her. He wrapped his arm around her once she got closer and placed a kiss on her temple. "You look beautiful as always." He whispered in her ear, his arm falling to wrap around her waist and hold her close. "Thanks Johnny. Has Oozma Kappa arrived yet?" She asked, looking up at him. Johnny gave a quick glance around, before looking back at her. "No, i haven't seen them yet. But don't worry, I sent PNK to personally invite them." He replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "tell you what, the party has started, so let's go inside and wait for them there. You can enjoy yourself a little bit before they get here." He said, guiding her inside. She rolled her eyes playfully, but allowed him to guide her inside.
      The inside of the frat house was different every corner you looked at. There were monsters making out, some were drinking, and most were dancing. Johnny had a smirk on his face as he pulled her onto the dance floor. She let out a laugh as she watched him. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm dancing with my girlfriend!" He said, hip bumping her. "At least I will be once she joins in." He added, wrapping an arm around her to spin her. She laughed as she started dancing with him. She moved in sync with him all while doing her own dances. The lighting of the room made her wings and scales glow a vibrant blue. Johnny got the idea to lift her up by her waist, spinning with her before tossing her into the air. She laughed as she let her wings catch her. Things seemed to be going in slow motion for Johnny as he watched what he was sure was an angel hover above him. The blue glow of her scales contrasting the white of her wings and hair as she fluttered back down to him. Her hands landed on his shoulders as his fell to her hips. 
      The entire time he could only look at her with admiration and love, a look that she returned. As the night continued, more monsters trickled in, and eventually, Oozma Kappa was one of these groups of monsters. When they entered, the Dj stopped playing music and everyone stared at them. (Y/n), who just so happened to be walking past, saw them and smiled. "Hey boys! Welcome to the party!" She said, flapping her wings to launch herself over towards them. "How y'all doing, everything going good?" She asked, ignoring the stares she was getting. "U-um yeah, just...we aren't used to this." Terri said, his hands fiddling nervously. (Y/n) let out a laugh. "Well you boys can relax now. You're with friends, right everyone?" She asked, looking the crowd of monsters. It was silent for a moment, before someone yelled "It's oozma Kappa!" And suddenly the frat was surrounded by people complementing them. (Y/n) bent down a bit towards Mike. "Well Mike? What do you think?" She asked. Mike looked at his frat and smiled. "Oozma Kappa, tonight we party like Scarers!" He yelled, causing everyone else to erupt in  cheers. (Y/n) elbowed him with a smile, before disappearing into the crowd. Everything was going smoothly, and (Y/n) had found Jemma, striking up conversation with her. Both girls had drinks in their hands, and were enjoying the music as they talked about random nonsense, when Jemma noticed something behind (Y/n). She nudged her, pointing over to Sulley, who was standing just outside the dance floor. "He doesn't look like he is having any fun." She said, looking at her best friend. (Y/n) looked at Jemma before looking back over at Sulley. She sighed. Sulley had been nothing but a jerk to Mike since they met, but she still didn't want to see him upset. "I got this." She said, handing Jemma her drink and making her way over to the blue fuzzball. 
      "Heyyy Sulley." She said, standing next to him. "Everything ok?" She asked, holding her arm behind her back. Sulley looked at her and rolled her eyes. "This was a bad idea. Mike is stupid for thinking we were actually invited to this." He huffed, watching his frat enjoy themselves on the dance floor. (Y/n) followed his gaze, thinking of what to say next. "Well, you boys were invited. I made sure of it." She said, rocking back and forth on her heels. This caught Sulley off guard and he looked at her. "Wait what? You had us invited?" He asked, a brow raised in confusion. (Y/n) nodded nonchalant. "You all have had it rough. You deserve a night to just relax for a bit." She said, shrugging as she watched the dance floor. Sulley stared at her for a bit, processing what she had said. He knew he had been a jerk to her friends, yet she was showing him kindness, and he didn't understand it. "Come on, let's dance!" (Y/n) said, catching him off guard. "Huh? Wait-" But before he could protest, she had already pulled him to the dance floor and was dancing. The dark room once again pulled out the blue glow of her scales, making her look ethereal. Sulley stared at her in awe for a moment, taking in how relaxed and open she looked. Her beauty hadn't escaped his gaze either. She smiled at him, motioning for him to join in the dancing, and a small smile made it's way to his lips as he let out a defeated chuckle and began dancing, earning a few cheers from the others around them.
      After a while of dancing, (Y/n) made her way upstairs back to Jemma. When she arrived, she was laughing and shook some confetti out of her hair and took her drink back from Jemma, chugging a bit of it. "You sure seemed to cheer him up." Jemma commented as she and (Y/n) leaned against the railing. (Y/n) shrugged. "I didn't do much." She said, her arms resting on the railing as she watched the party below them. Jemma rolled her eyes playfully, elbowing her best friend. "Please, (N/n), you always manage to bring out the good in people. I don't know how you do it." She smiled, also turning her attention to the party beneath them. (Y/n) laughed. "Whatever you say Jems." She said, nudging her back. Suddenly, they heard a whistle, which caused them to turn their attention to the fireplace. Johnny and the rest of ROR had made their way front and center, and Johnny looked like he had some kind of announcement. "Hey, quiet! Quite! Quiet down you can-wranglers!" He said as the music and noise began to die down. "Alright, on behalf of the RORs, we'd like to congratulate all the teams that have made it this far." He spoke up as the frats and sororities grouped up. "Hey, look at you future husband commanding the room.~" Jemma whispered to (Y/n), teasing her. (Y/n) blushed when she called Johnny her future husband, hiding her face behind her cup as she smacked Jemma with her wing lightly.
      Johnny called out all the teams, when it was finally Oozma Kappa's turn. "And finally, the surprise team of the Scare Games, Oozma Kappa!" He said, and the room erupted into cheers. OK looked around, smiles on their faces as they got their recognition. Mike and Sulley both looked up at (Y/n) with smiles on their faces, and (Y/n) gave them thumbs up. "Now I got to admit, fellas, I thought you were a bunch of nobodies. But, thanks to my, amazing girlfriend-" Johnny sent a wink up to (Y/n), earning a smile and a wave from her."--I realized, boy was I wrong." Johnny said, a smirk on his face. "Let's hear it for Oozma Kappa!" Johnny added, causing more cheers to erupt from the crowds. (Y/n) smiled at the scene as she watched the man she loved recognize her friends. However this smile didn't last long, as paint was soon dumped on them. Her smile quickly faded as she stared down in confusion. "What...?" She muttered, looking at Johnny, thinking this was something else. But when she looked at him, his usually playful smirk had turned almost sinister. "The most adorable monsters on campus." He said, which only confirmed what she had hoped wasn't true. Jemma's reaction reflected (Y/n)'s as she watched Javier press a button that launched glitter onto them, as Reggie tossed a bucket of yellow flowers on them, as Johnny told Randal to drop stuffed animals on them, as Chet took a picture of them, as the crowd around them did nothing but laugh. "That's not right..." Jemma said, turning to (Y/n). "(N/n)--" She was cut off when she saw (Y/n)'s reaction. Her body had tensed, and she was glaring with pure anger and hatred and betrayal. Her eyes, now slits, were glowing that terrifying teal color as she let out an angered growl. "Hey, (Y/n), calm down, it's ok--" Before Jemma could finish that sentence, (Y/n) jumped off the ledge, landing between Oozma Kappa and ROR. However, she was now in her dragon form, snarling at ROR and the others who were laughing at OK. This caught Johnny off guard as (Y/n) roared at them in pure anger. 
      Johnny looked unsure how to respond as (Y/n) shifted back into her normal form, that same angered look on her face as her wings opened to block OK from them. "Ooooo, looks like your little girlfriend is pissed Johnny!" Chet taunted, elbowing Johnny. "Imagine if she knew you were using her for the Scare Games." He said, accidentally spilling their original plan. His laughter quickly disappeared when he realized what he said. (Y/n) looked at Chet in shock, before turning back to Johnny.  Her expression almost begging him to tell her that wasn't true. The thing was, Johnny didn't even look ashamed. None of them did. (Y/n) let out a defeated sigh. "I'm such an idiot." She muttered. "Now sweetie, that's not true--" Johnny reached out to comfort her, only for his hand to be smack away. "Don't fucking touch me dick head!" She snarled. "And I'm not your sweetie, so don't call me that either!" She yelled, turning to leave, her wings tucked against her tightly. Jemma hurried out of the house after her, shooting a glare at Javier on her way out, before following (Y/n). "(Y/n)! Wait!" She called out, but she was too late. (Y/n) had taken off and flown into the night sky.
      She flew towards the apartment her mom and siblings were staying in and knocked on the door. When her mom answered, she instantly noticed something was wrong. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" She asked, letting her inside. As (Y/n) walked into the apartment, her mom led her to the kitchen. (Y/n)'s eyes, which were filling up with tears, widened as she saw her father. Toothless took one look at his daughter and instantly hurried over to her. "Hony fang what happened?" He asked as he made his way to her. (Y/n) felt her eyes well up and the tears spill over. "Daddy!" She cried, falling into her dad's arms. Toothless held her close, sitting on the ground with her, comforting her and rubbing her hair to calm her down. "Shh, it's ok princess. I'm here. I'll shelter you. You're safe." He muttered, letting his daughter cry in his arms. Liry, not liking seeing her daughter cry, hurried over and went on the floor, rubbing (Y/n)'s back as she continued to cry in her father's arms, eventually crying herself to sleep.

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