"As Long As I Have You In My Life"

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Throughout her blurry uncertain vision, Asagao felt her body pulled towards the unknown as she focused on the solid black mass that had consumed her whole world. And whether he realized it or not, the girl slowly felt the outside murmurs and voice disappear into her own mind.

Because nothing else but him mattered to her.

Osamu seemed to have that effect on her every time she saw them, Asa always desperate to soak in everything about the oblivious boy regardless of the barriers in front of her eyes. His words, his actions, the way he held himself, the cadence in which he spoke, she categorized it all.

Which was why his decision to take her on this date was so odd.

Because as far as she knew, Osu wasn't that kind of man. He was a cruel, manipulative, mafia executive that only did things out of pure entertainment or for some kind of tactical advantage.

Yes, her brother was different but Asagao knew that the blood in her veins didn't fully protect her from Dazai's real character.

Which was fine. She didn't care that he was incapable of emotion and kindness. That's not why she was here in the first place. She wasn't that simple minded, and the last thing she wanted him to do was force himself out of that box and make him uncomfortable.

But it seemed that today he wouldn't take no for an answer which meant that he either had some other intention with their date or he was pushing himself to do something strange for the sake of Oda.

Sighing to herself, Asagao then paused as her body collided with the mafia executive, not realizing the man had stopped completely. Oh, were they here already? She didn't recognize this part of town.

Yet that's when she felt his fingers reach forward in order to snatch the large circular frames from her face, eradicating her safety net as Asa's eyes widened in fear. What was he doing? She didn't want to see the world right now. "O-Osam.."

Although before she could protest, Dazai replaced the object with his hands, pushing her back against his chest in order to darken her surroundings before she could have time to process them.

Then she heard his voice, sharp against her ear. "You'll want to fully see this, love."

Fully see it? No, that was impossible. She didn't want to see anything, she didn't want to decipher anything fully. Then she would see the darkness, she would see the cracks in the perfect facade that life displayed.

Dazai seemed to sense her distress though, his tone teasing as his fingers pressed deeper across her eyes to show her that they weren't going anywhere. "What's wrong, don't trust your boyfriend? Afraid I'm going to hurt you while you're defenseless like this?"

He was trying to scare her, to intimate her per usual. But if he thought that she was going to crumble between his fingers then he was sorely mistaken. "You know that's not why..it's just..my eyes.."

Asa then heard him laugh in pure amusement before his bandaged arm brushed against hers in order to lift the surface and place it on an unknown doorknob in front of them. "Don't worry, darling. I got you."

Did that mean he was going to keep her eyes covered for her until they got to where he wanted her to see? But what if he slipped up, what if he let go accidentally or for some kind of joke? What he was asking for required a lot of trust, trust from a boy that thrived on sadistic games.

But even so, Asa complied, her fingers turning open the door as Dazai urged her forward in order for her breath to lodge inside her throat with each step. She had nothing to guide her, nothing but his body to rely on.

Just then, his fingers found her wrist before lifting them up in order for her to register a railing as the mafioso hummed back into her ear. "Count the steps, love. There are twenty of them."

Timeless (Dazai X Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now