Chapter5: Sisters

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Hey guys I'm so sorry for the slow updates guys. More soon thought thanks for checking this out! Xx
The lifts in this apartment (or 'elevators' as Callie keeps pressing me to say since her trip to America) haven't worked since moving in. This fact has caused me to take the narrow, concrete stairs for a number of years.

I've never resented taking the stairs till now. I always skip past the steps and make it to my level in half the time. This is partly due to the fact that the stair case is rather small and I didn't want to feel 'stuck'. But it is mostly because I enjoy it. I like going fast so racing up the stairs is nice. I wouldn't say it was a highlight, but neither was it a burden. Not until now.

My steps are small but frequent, with my knuckles turning white on the bannister to keep my body from falling. Hey Callie, how was your day? Oh this? It's nothing really, I tripped at the hospital and fell down some stairs.

Will that work? I keep planning what I'm going to say in my head, which is only slightly distracting me from the throbbing enveloping my body, like a painful blanket.

I make it to my door (without the skipping of steps, unfortunately) and take a few deep breaths to calm me from the cramped journey I have just experienced.

I turn my key in the door, expecting the worse from Callie.


I limp into my hallway and peek my head into each of the rooms. She must still be out. My mind confers.
- I feel as if some of my physical pressure has been lifted from my body and I decide to look in my bathroom for some pain killers.
I hear a knock at the door. Callie wouldn't knock. I stagger out of bed and go to the door. More knocks, heavy ones. I open the tattered door, which I keep meaning to replace and add a few more bolts to.

"Finally!" McTavish shouts "How long does it take to open a door."

"What the hell man? It's called sleep, you should try it." I rub my eyes and stifle a yawn.

"Grouchy. Look I don't want much, just a drink and a natter like old times."

"Get stuffed, Tav."

"No, I refuse. You reminded me of what I've been missing." I start to feel my cheeks redden and suddenly wish I was in anything
other than a long, old T-shirt with printed bunnies and a pair of pink checked shorts - for absolutely no reason. At all.

I push the door further open and step to the side; he won't stop otherwise. He glides through like the hallway is his own, like he belongs here. Which he doesn't.

I pass him the tea he most desperately needs. He takes one look and pulls away. "Hmmm, never seen it look like that before." Git.

"Well you should know by now; I hate tea."

"Ah, yes I do recall. I like what you've done with the place, what was it last time? That's right mould green and peeling." He grins and gives me that cocky wink people do when they say something that they happen to be proud of.

"Well, a bit of wallpaper doesn't hurt." I take a look around my living space; egg shell textured wallpaper envelopes the lounge; 3 lines of white tile caresses the kitchen with one wall a pastel green and the others being covered in unfinished brown plaster; the hallway becoming a tunnel of plain-off white paint, which has started to chip.

"Needs some work." He says.

"And so do you but you don't see me whining about it." I sound, I don't know... annoyed? Yes. Tired? Definitely.

"Just making small talk."

"Did you happen to see your client?" I ask sharply.

"Yes I did."

At that the door at the end of the hall clicked open followed by a quiet fit of giggles. "Shhhh!" Tiny fit of giggles "Keeppp yourr voice
downnn!" Another tiny giggle "That wayyy."

My head twists to the doorway "Callie?" I start to rise from my seat, a wooden framed armchair with thin, red cushioning. "Cal?"

"Yerrr a-" Hiccup. "A-awake? I thoughttt you'd bee-s-in bed-e-buyss." She emerges from the dark corridor and into the living room with a dazed expression.

"You're drunk."

She lowers her head and holds in yet another giggle as she smiles, the look often shared with a naughty 3 year old who has just broken something and found it utterly hilarious. I, however, do not. "Who are you trying to impress? Getting smashed like that?" I snap.

"Ermm, I finkkk his name is Jamess. Can you believes that his name has 'jam' insit? J-A-M, I lovvves jam-E-S!" Hiccup.
A small cough makes its way through the corridor and a man with a muscular build and about the age of 20 appears by the entrance.

"It's ask-ually D-d-dylan, a-a-ctually." He stammers, also drunk. "Is dat a-a unicorn?" Also high it seems.

I quickly take a glance to McTavish sitting in front of me, he isn't looking at me but at the situation at hand looking quite amused. If it was anyone other than her, I probably would have been, too.


"Yes and if you don't shut the glitter-dust up I will take much joy in shoving it where the Sun don't shine!" I snarl. He takes a few steps back, into the shadows and McTavish snorts. I glare at him to shut him up- 'Dylan' needs to find another unicorn, fast.

"Anywaysss me and Dylannn are goin' to de bed room." Callie starts to usher him down the passage whilst giggling, again. Hiccup.

"Dylan. Get. Out. Now." I look down the passage and narrow my eyebrows.

"Wait by the doorrr." Hiccup.

At this point Tav has placed his oddly coloured tea on the floor and is standing near the exit.

"Ohhhh. Well hello there, stranger." Says Callie as she runs a hand down his chest. I stare in disgust; really? What happened to unicorn boy?

"Lovely to see you again, Callie." He says with perfect speech as he simultaneously takes her hand away from his shirt. His original amusement turns to discomfort as he glances at me.

"Dyl c'monnn!" callie starts to move away from the both of us.


"Yes!" She retorts. Hiccup.

"Don't push it."

"Shut uppp yer... yer bitch. Lets me have a life!"

"not like that I won't!"

"Shhshhshh." She whispers and pushes open her door. Hiccup.

"CALLIE LOU-KIM!" Suddenly she whips her head round to me, shortly followed by Tav and Dylan. "YOU DARE GO IN THAT ROOM AND I SWEAR-"

"Lou-Kim? Dylan asks, bewildered. He obviously hasn't noticed her slightly slanted eyes and thick black to brown hair. And how different they all are to my pale complexion and thin locks.

Oh, yeah.

Callie's Adopted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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