Chapter 3

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It was early in the morning when I woke up. Today was Friday and I was dreading the rest of the day.

We had only arrived last night, but between the odd looks, autographs, pictures and gossiping it had felt like a week.

I slowly jumped off my bed and touched the cold floor, shocking me and making me climb back onto my bed.

I hear a groan.

"Sierra, yu know I love yu. But shut up. " she says in her croaky morning voice

"Sorry!" I say laughing slightly.

I manage to change into my school uniform, scolding the room for being so cold.

This is what I was thinking for the uniform. If you don't like it you can always change it x

When I have finally put on my outfit I add a pair of heels

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When I have finally put on my outfit I add a pair of heels. I usually wouldn't but since we are in England I gathered we needed a new trend. And are they really going to tell me off in front of 3 other schools?

I think not.

I finally finish my outfit with a small purse. Since we didn't have any books all I needed to bring were pencils, my wand, lip gloss (a necessity) and mascara.

I quietly open the door to the room we are staying in. Although I tried to be quiet it made a load creek and a pillow gets thrown at me, aiming to make me fall over.

Luckily I cross my arms, making it bounce off me.

"Damn your reflexes" Asvoria mumurs

I leave the room and walk down the long corridor. God it was creepy, they could of at least added some lanterns instead of those haunting candles.

As I walk out of the building I am hit with fresh air and a beaming sun. In Norway we never had something like that this early. It was truly beautiful.

I smile to myself before carefully walking down the stairs.

Just then I hear a raspy voice behind me.

"Vi didn't expect you to be up so early" I hear before I turn around to be face to face with Viktor Krum.

I take a step back startled

" vi'm sorry, vi didnt mean to startle you" he apologises.

I burst out laughing. God he must think I'm weird, I'm probably ruining my chances every second, before I do something stupider I calm down slowly before I reply "Sorry, it's fine i'm just surprised I saw someone so early in the morning. I never see people at this time" I say regaining my balance

"Neither do vi" he says chuckling deeply

"Would you like to join me. Vi'm just going down to a lake some of the Hogvarts students were talking about" he explains

"Sure" I say softly, smiling at the thought.

we walk a few steps before he initiates some conversation

"vhere do you live?" He asks glancing at me before looking away. "Oslo, in Norway" I answer quickly. "What about yu?" I add before looking down to the ground.

"Vi travel around, due to" he pauses for a moment before correcting himself "vi live in Varna, in Bulgaria" he states

I suppose he's talking about his quidditch career.

"cool" I say nervously.

It's weird. I'm usually not so awkward in conversations, I mean I get loads of interviews and I meet with fans a lot, but something about him just makes me nervous.

We finally arrive at the lake Viktor was talking about. There is a dock and a massive lake, which looks very deep

"Vi am going to work out a bit." he says looking over at me grinning.

I nod slowly before watching him stride off and do a few push ups.

He looks amazing, sweat running down his face; his shirt clinging to his abs.

He must go to the gym a lot.

As he finishes up he walks over to Sierra as she's still getting over what he did.

"Come in ve lake vith me" he says smiling lightly

"No, I couldn't, I'm in my uniform" I say laughing at the idea.

"Vor your too scared, I mean it vis too cold for a scaredy cat" he says standing up straighter. He was too cute 'scaredy cat' it made me melt.

"Oh please, it vill be nothing compared to Norway"

"Hmm, sure"

"Is vat a challenge?" I ask, stupidly grinning.

"If it vas, vould you join me?" He questions with a smug smile

I sigh "I can't, I'm in my uniform" I say disappointed.

Victor's Pov:

"I can't, I'm in my uniform" she sighs softly

"How about tomorrow?" I ask

God I sound so desperate

"I'd love to" she says brightly

She's gorgeous , probably the most beautiful girl I've ever layed my eyes on.

"Tomorrow morning ven?"

"Mhm" she says smiling softly before standing up again "I've got one ho wake my friends up. But I'll see you around "

"See you around" I chuckle, smiling to myself as she turns around and walks away.


First I'm so sorry this took so long, I wasn't really sure where this chapter was going. I thought I'd show a cute little moment between Sierra & Viktor. What would their ship name be? Siktor? Idk that sounds weird. If you have ANY ideas and I mean ANY please tell me because although I have an idea where this is heading I don't have any gaps/fillers if you get what I mean. Also this might be going too quick I'm not sure but yeah

As always have an amazing day or night xx

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