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The morning sun cast a golden hue over the village, filtering through the dense canopy of the surrounding forest and dappling the ground with patches of light. I made my way along the well-trodden path to the clearing where adventure classes were held, my heart thrumming with anticipation. Each step was a beat in the rhythm of my dream, each breath a whisper of the future I yearned for.

As I arrived, I could barely contain my excitement. The open space buzzed with activity; young and old alike gathered, their faces alight with the same fervor that fueled my own desires. At the center of it all stood our instructor, a man whose very presence seemed to command respect.

With a stature as solid as the ancient oaks, Thane Darksteel's eyes were like flint, sharp and discerning. He wore his rank B badge proudly on his chest, a testament to countless quests and battles faced. His hands bore the intricate scars of swordplay, and his voice resonated with the authority of one who had stared down death and emerged victorious.

"Good morning, Aurora," Thane greeted as I approached, his nod acknowledging my persistent dedication. "Ready to learn more today?"

"Always," I replied, my gaze sweeping over the makeshift training dummies and obstacle courses that had been set up around the clearing. My fingers itched for the feel of a hilt, for the rush of adrenaline that came with each parry and thrust.

"Today, we focus on survival," Thane announced, his voice cutting through the murmur of the crowd. "For an adventurer, knowledge is as crucial as a sharpened blade. You must understand the land, anticipate danger, and outwit your foes."

He began to demonstrate techniques for navigating treacherous terrain, his movements graceful yet deliberate. With every roll, leap, and sprint, he showed mastery over his own body, a dance with danger that left us all entranced.

"Notice the balance, the awareness," he instructed, pausing to survey our awestruck faces. "You must be part of the world around you, not just a traveler through it."

I drank in his words, envisioning myself scaling cliffs and crossing chasms, my mind spinning with possibilities. How many secrets did the wilds hold? How many tales awaited my own discovery?

"Your turn, Aurora," Thane said, snapping me back to the present. There was under tone probably meant to remind me keep my head in the present and stop day dreaming.

Stepping forward, I mirrored his earlier movements, at least to my possibility and training. Even if it was not perfect I did my best.

"Excellent form," Thane approved, a rare smile gracing his features. It was a small victory. If I could earn the admiration of a seasoned adventurer, then perhaps my dreams weren't as distant as they sometimes seemed.

"Keep pushing, keep learning," Thane advised, turning to address the rest of the class. "Remember, every lesson here is a step toward the grand adventure that awaits you."

We then went over to teaching how to use blades. As most monsters don't care if you are ranged attacker they will get close one day and you need to protect yourself had Thane said.

The clang of steel rang through the air as my blade met Thane's in a brisk salute before we began. My grip was firm, my stance wide, and my heart thundered with the excitement of combat training. I had been practicing for this moment, eager to prove that my skills were more than just passable—they were exceptional.

"Remember, Aurora," Thane said, circling me like a hawk, "anticipation is key. Predict your opponent's moves."

I nodded, my focus narrowing as I watched his every motion. The dance of battle was intricate, requiring not only physical prowess but also an astute mind. I lunged, feinting to the left before pivoting to strike from the right. Thane parried, but not without a flash of approval in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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