Plane ride of ecstasy chapter 12

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We leave the room having already packed we grab our suit cases and make our departure entering Charlie's black suv and arriving at a landing strip with an airplane landed on it "Charlie that was silly do you know how many rules were breaking go back so we can go through security and get our bags checked". To this he chuckles "darling you went from the mafia princess to the Queen you've done with first class we have a private plane". My mouth falls wide open in shock as Charlie leads me up the stairs and we take our seats on a beautiful velvet sofa. "Hello mam what can I get for you".  I just look at Charlie like a lost puppy dog we have to wait until we're off and at a steady level no ? I think to myself while staring at Charlie. "She'll take a rose champagne with ice and strawberry flakes with a straw and I'll have a scotch on the rocks". "Oh and don't give me that cheap shit I supply the licker". "Yes sir". I feel so bad for who ever that is they never said they'd give him anything cheap he needs to chill as the plane leaves the ground I feel my stomach begin to turn fuck I forgot to take motion sickness this morning. "Charlie toilet where". "Woah darling you can't piss right now we-.  "Charlie where's the fucking toilet". "Jeez someone needs to go first door on your left". I practically sprint and land just in time spuing my guts up into the toilet before I even got a chance to close the door Charlie immediately comes after hearing the sounds of me gagging and coughing practically chocking on the bitter taste he immediately grabs my hair and begins to rub my back "it's okay baby let it all out" he whispers for comfort I let out a sigh before being sick once again and I'm so embarrassed I freeze Charlie feels this tense in my body through his hand on my back and brings my head round to look at him. "Don't be embarrassed you have nothing to be embarrassed of". "I'm so fucking stupid how did I forgot the pills I have to take every single time I've ever traveled". "Well I've been putting you to work a lot don't worry it's okay we've only got 30 more minutes in the air and I brought motion sickness with us there a special mix they'll take 10 minutes to kick in". "Okay" is croaked out of my aching throat. And I Jsut sit there on my knees not wanting to move or embarrass myself anymore then i already have. "it's okay babe your okay just breathe". And as those words come  out of his mouth I realise my heavy breathing and the frantic panic attack my body has began to send itselfs into your okay Jsut breathe he tries again however nothing changes. He then brings a warm wash cloth to my face wiping off any remaining sick and he scoops me up carrying me bridal style to the floor of the main airplane placing me between his legs facing away he begins braiding. "How do you-" shhh not right now". So with his words I relax into the touch and fall asleep to him braiding my hair. I wake up to light shaking. "We've landed babe". "Okay" I croak throat still burnt from the sick as we enter a black suv I notice my hair in 2 perfect Dutch braids and look at him with a very confused look he looks away from me immediately. "I had a little sister named Bella I called her bells dad barley had any time for her taking on the full king life and her mum left the second she popped bells out I took care of her I did her hair fed bathed her she was practically my child and she was taken from me in cold blood when people look at me they see a cold blooded man who would do anything to hurt anyone and yet I have never ever touched a woman in a non consensual way like my father did before me I have never ever taken a child's life". He takes a short pause taking a sharp inhale. "I may be a monster to some but I can't bring her back all I can do Is take out the person who took my bells life and stop my guilt. "It was supposed to be me you know dad asked to see me so I went up the stairs carrying bells in my arms I will never forget the feeling of watching the life drain from her eyes as the blood tricked from her forehead down my arms she was laying where she was because she had told me many times she loved heart beats she wanted to be a doctor and to save people she loved feeling alive and for that she lost her life. "Thank-you for telling me my love I'm so sorry". Tears trickled from his eyes as I embraced him some may find this weak but he just opened up to me in so many way and I'm so grateful for his trust no matter his past.

Word count: 887

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