Charles Leclerc

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Requested: No
Summary: You surprise Charles with a date night

I light the last candle on the table just as I hear my husband open and close the door.
"Bebe, I'm home," he shouts, I can hear to tiredness in his voice. He comes into the room, and his eyes widen
"Whats all this?" He asks with a smile, his cute dimples making me smile wider. I walk up to him and place my hands on his broad chest.
"You've been so stressed lately, so I thought I'd surprise you with date night," I say before bringing my lips to his in a soft, comforting kiss. He whispers a "thank you," and we sit at the table to eat his favourite pasta dish. We talked and joked for a while until we came to a comfortable silence, him holding my hand on the table
"Thank you so much chérie. I love you so much," he speaks with so much love, making my heart pound.
"I'm gonna go run us a bath, baby. You've got so much stress in your shoulders," I laugh a little as I get up, and as I walk past him, he jokingly smacks my ass making me playfully glare at him.
"That's it, I'm having the bath to myself," I yell as I sprint up the stairs while he chases me
"Non! Non!" He shouts, laughing like a child until we make it to the bathroom. He grabs my waist and spins me into his arms
"I'm sorry, I love you baby," he whispers, and we share a small peck before I put some bubbles in the bath and switch the water onto the right temperature. The bath takes a while, so we just cuddle on the bed for a few minutes until I turn the water off. I help him undress and wait for him to get into the water before undressing myself and sitting down behind him. He rests his head on my chest with his eyes closed, and I play with his slightly greasy, yet still so soft, hair until I hear soft snores, making me giggle a bit. I massage his shoulders a little and wait a few minutes before shaking his limp form
"Honey," I whisper into his ear
"Sweetheart, wake up, baby," I continue to gently shake his shoulders until he stirs, his eyes opening and staring up into mine and a soft smile adorning his plump lips I lean in and kiss his lips tenderly, his nose brushes just under my chin before I pull away. I help Charles wash his hair and his upper body, and then we get out and wrap ourselves in soft towels. I change into one of his jumpers and some soft pyjama trousers while he just gets into grey joggers and a plain white t-shirt that stretches mesmerisingly across his broad chest. We snuggle under our comfortable blankets, my head resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around my tired form. We decided to leave the dishes for tomorrow and just go straight to bed, the tiredness of the day finally beating us as our eyes become heavy with sleep. Before I can fall into dreams filled with my husband's face, he whispers a quick
"Thank you, baby," and his breathing immediately evens out, his chest rising up and down rhythmically and rocking me to a deep sleep.

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