Carlos Sainz

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Summary: You're a new reporter for Sky Sports and have to interview a certain Spaniard who may or may not have a crush on you...

I spot his dark eyes through a crowd of people and immediately speed walk over to him.
"Carlos! Carlos, can I have a quick interview?" I ask. His face looks shocked before his cute cheeks turn pink, and he smiles meekly at me. I've known Carlos has had a crush on me since I started working for Sky. Every time I interview him, he turns extremely shy. However, I can't deny how adorable it is when he goes like that. I've liked him for a while now, too, but I don't know if it would be too complex dating someone you (somewhat) work with
"Erm, yes you can," he stumbles over a couple of his words, making my face go a little hot too.


"Thank you," I smile before turning to face the camera
"So, Carlos, you've had a great season so far. You've already had two podiums. What do you attribute your success to?" I ask, turning back to the handsome Spaniard
"Erm, well its been quite a few things, I've had a great team behind me, providing me with a fantastic car, working on my mental and physical health has helped a lot, I feel like I'm back into the mindset of a winner and that helps," he pauses to chuckle at the last point and I chuckle with him "I've also had someone to impress this season so I've been working hard to not crash and to (try to) overtake as many people as I can," he looks so deeply into my eyes in that second that I swear he could see into my soul.
"Thank you, Carlos," my face goes warm again, and the camera cuts.
"Well done out there, you were amazing," I say to him as we walk to his driver room.
"Thank you," he breathes. His eyes look exhausted. They have dark circles around them. However, his smile seems permanent as we continue to walk
"You know, since I am a winner now, would you be open to going out with me for dinner?" He asks bravely. I'm taken aback by his abruptness
"I don't know Carlos, would dating someone I have to interview a lot complicate things for work?" I ask. I almost cry when his smile drops. I feel the tears pooling in my eyes
"Never mind, forget I asked," he grumbles before pushing past me to go into his driver room. I sigh and grab his wrist, pulling him swiftly into me and crashing my lips onto his. He kisses back immediately, and I thread my fingers through his sweaty hair. We eventually pull away, but not without chasing eachothers lips first.
"Holy shit, I don't give a fuck what people think if I get to do that every day," I breathe out a laugh and he joins in, his loud laughter sending happy jolts to my heart.

He nods in agreement and pulls me back in.
I don't give a shit what other people think, I love the man in front of me and he loves me back, and as we stand there, just outside his driver room, with hundreds of cameras on us for the next 'scandal' I know that what I feel for Carlos is true love, and anyone who wants to mess that up can fuck off

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