
10.9K 478 35

"There he is, by the car.."
"Do I go now?"
"Yea, remember what told you. Stay calm...don't be obvious."
"Alright, alright. I got it.."

Terrance stepped out of the unmarked police car and made his way diagonally across the street, making sure Macky didn't see him coming. He stepped along the side walk beside Al's store to make it look like that's the direction he came from. When he came closer, Macky lifted his head and stood up from leaning on his car.

"Macky!" Terrence cheered, embracing him in a manly hug.

"Long time, no see." Macky said taking a step back.

"Get to it!" A voice came through Terrance's ear piece. The feedback rang in his ear causing him to wince and tilt his head to the side.

"You aight, man?" Macky asked looking at Terrance strangely.

"Yea, man. I just...uh.." Macky noticed that for a spit second Terrance looked past him. He turned in the direction Terrance had looked and noticed a dark parked car across the street.

"Shit, Terrance!" Again, the voice rang, causing feedback to violently erupt in Terrance's ear.

"Shit!" Terrance cried snatching the ear piece out of his ear.

"Terrance, what the fu - ...OH shit!" Macky took of around the corner once he noticed the police office existing his vehicle.

The police officer ran behind him, calling into his radio for backup and telling Terrance to return to the cop car.

Terrified of going to prison, Terrance dashed down the street; opposite of the way Macky and the officer went before backup arrived.


"Stop!" The officer desperately shouted down the alley as Macky viciously swerved trash cans and loose debris.

Macky would be completely free from the cop if he could just climb the fence that he was approaching. It wasn't metal, it was a large blue picket fence. He knew he would never be able to get over it so he made a sharp left down another alley. When he was half way down, flashing blue and red lights started to shine against the building he was currently running beside. In no time a police car appeared in his view. He looked to turn around but the same officer along with another police car blocked the other side.

"Thomas Johnson you are under arrest have the right to remain a court of law.....if you cannot afford one.."

"Where the fuck is Brown?!"

"I told him go to straight to the car!"

"And you thought he would he would go?"

"What was I supposed to do!?! Johnson was running..."

"Why were you by yourself, Mike?"

"We had a plan! Terrance was suppose to give me a signal and then I would call for backup."

"You'll be lucky if you still have your job after this!


"Johnson! One call..."


"Hey, mama.."
"I know.."
"Yes, ma'am."
"I'm sorry."
"I think it's serious this time, mama."
"I'll call you when I can."
"I love you, too."

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