Why would she kiss him?

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Since the day i started to question my feelings for the devil everything changed.
The only idea of having romantic feelings for him was making me sick.
I've had a lot of crushes back then and none of them felt even close to what i felt for him now...
My head was refusing in every way the possibility of feelings towards him.
But deep down i had the answer to all my questions that i was refusing to believe.
But i was an angel and he was the devil.
It was something that it just couldn't be possible, not to mention his family or even his "recent" divorce.
To make everything worse was my atrocious way to act like everything was normal.

It was pretty obvious that something was going on into my mind and Lucifer knew it damn well yet he couldn't figure out what exactly was messing me up so bad.
As i said, things had changed a lot since the day i got sick...not only my behavior had changed drastically but my relationships too, including Lucifer obviously.
Everytime i had a crush on someone i never really acted normally...
I wasn't a pick me bitch or some kind of a a whore (at least not with him).
I was more the avoiding type if you know what i mean.
Lucifer and i used to spend almost our whole day together.
But after that day i tried to avoid him as much as possible...

I hated it.
I hated the way i was distancing myself and i hated staying away from him and ignoring him...
But at the same time i couldn't handle staying with him.

Every day i would wake up as earlier as i could and i would go out for hours, sometimes even the whole day.
Sometimes i would see him only for some minutes before falling asleep completely in the sofa.

Other times i wouldn't see him for days, or weeks.

As the time passed i finally started  meet new people and make new friends.
Before i only had him to rely on and i just couldn't tolerate this...
Having feelings involved in the only person is by your side was just unbearable.
That's why i started spending more time with other angels as Adam, Lute and when she was disponible, Emily too.
But mostly Adam and Lute as Emily was always busy with her seraphim stuff.
I rapidly became one of their best friend as our personalities and our humor matched.
They even game me a nickname.

"...you'll be..."
"Cunt" Adam said proudly.
"Cunt." he affirmed.
"Just Cunt?"
"Just Cunt."
"Just Cunt? For real? can't i be be something else-"
"No because that exactly what you are"
Lute tried to suppress a laugh but failed.
"What about Cunt Master?" Lute proposed.
"mhp could work yeah" Adam spoke.

We were basically always together and i really enjoyed their company, so much that sometimes i would even forgot about Lucifer.

But sometimes i couldn't help but wish i was with him.

He was the only one i could have fun with but also being emotional when i needed to.

He knew me like nobody did.

And Lute and Adam could never replace that, because even tho they were funny and all...they weren't exactly the type to be deep with or just emotional.

Lute sometimes did listened to me when i was moody, but it happened only when Adam wasn't there, indeed i was emotionally closer to Lute than Adam.

Today, as always, i had woke up at 6 am, trying to avoid Lucifer.
It always worked as his depressed ass always woke up around 11am.

I was preparing myself in the bathroom.
Checking myself one last time before go out, when i saw his reflection on the mirror.
He was towering me from behind and with a severe gaze.

"FUCK" i panicked and as i tried to turn around i bumped against the sink.

"Holy shit Lucifer you can't just came up behind me like that" i painted, avoid his eyes.

Lucifer's pov ‧₊˚
"Sorry..." i chuckled nervously.
There was an awkward silence filling the room...just like the first time we interacted.
"What?" she asked without facing me.
"Is something wrong?"
I was genuinely concerned about her, i knew she was going through something, i didn't know what exactly but i was sure i was involved.
"No, why are you asking?"
"You've been avoiding me for a while now..."
"I haven't been avoiding you"
"Maybe you aren't but you're never at home"
"I'm just busy"
"Busy doing what?" he scoffed.
"That's my business don't you think?"
"(y/n) if something is wrong you know you can tell me..."
"Nothing is wrong Lucifer"
"Everything is wrong (y/n)."
"You're always outside doing...Bah! who knows what, when you come back you fucking ignore me and some days you don't even come back home."
"You really think nothing is wrong in this (y/n)?"
"What you didn't understand in the phrase i'm busy?" she frowned.
"WELL TELL ME THE FUCK YOU'VE BEEN DOING?" i raised my voice without even noticing.
"WHY THE FUCK YOU CARE" she yelled.
"I've never doubted it and you know it, i just don't understand what made you change"
She froze and looked down at her feet, hiding her gaze from mine.
"Nothing changed...i just met new people and i'm finally starting to feel like i belong here..."
"I don't have to depend on you..."
"What the fuck are you saying? You never depended on me"
"I DID." "you were the only one i could talk to without feeling judged or out of place..."

y/n's pov ‧₊˚
"Now that i'm starting to fucking enjoy having a life here you fucking make this scene of jealousy? for me leaving the life you can't have? Are you jealous because i have replaced you?"
i shouted without even thinking about what i was saying.
My eyes widened as i realized what had just came out of my mouth.

Prettiest creature in the whole creation {Lucifer x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now