Chaconne - ENHYPEN

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I recommend listening to the song at the top while reading the story. I'll always put a one hour looped version so you can finish the story without the song ending in the middle. Reference pictures are at the bottom. They don't belong to me, as I found them on Pinterest. Credit goes to whoever posted the pics. Hope you enjoy, and if you have any feedback, I would be happy to hear it.


P.S., are there any other ENGENEs here? If so, who's your bias?


"At last, I have found you, my princess."


I'm in the woods again, peering at the castle hidden in the trees. With its tall spires and beautiful fountains, the castle could have been beautiful in its time, but now it remains dark, drab, and abandoned, just as it was when I first discovered it a month ago.

Since then, I've come back 12 times, trying to muster the courage to go inside. Why? I have no idea. I feel pulled toward it, a magnetic connection just begging me to go inside. Each time I visit, I go just a little bit closer to the place. Today I walk to the outermost gate, which is closer than I've ever been before.

I notice the flowers in the gardens beyond the gate—dead, just like everything else surrounding the area. But the flowery aroma still remains—a weak but present kiss of life in a world of death. I wonder whether I should go inside or not, even though I know I will enter no matter what. But what would I find in the castle? What could remain in this place so faded yet so beautiful?

I walk even closer and reach toward the gate, which creaks open with a low scrape even before I touch it. I walk inside, past the courtyard I glimpsed before. Here, the scent of roses feels more potent, even after the flowers' deaths. I know I should stop and turn back around, but I can't control myself.

I continue toward the castle doors, past the fragrance that grows stronger still. When I reach the doors, they swing open of their own accord, allowing me to step into the interior of the castle. I speed up after I enter the labyrinth of halls inside. 

The pulling in my body grows more insistent as I walk deeper into the maze. I stride through the halls confidently, with a growing feeling that I've been here before, even though I know that is impossible.

Though my mind doesn't know where to go, the persistent pulling guides me toward the very center of the castle—a massive ballroom lit only by chandeliers twisted into the shape of thorns and roses.

The entire ballroom is decorated opulently, matching the revelry inside. I step inside and notice apparitional spirits dancing in a slow manner. I have no time to be confused or even scared before I am pulled toward them like a puppet being controlled by its puppeteer.

I join their waltz with a lonesome spirit as a slow song begins to play. My ghostly dance partner is cold-faced as he guides me through our dance. I quickly fall into the beat as the song begins to increase in speed. The rhythm begins to quicken as we spin, though none of the spirits seem to notice or care. The tempo steadily rises to a frantic pace, though I hardly bat an eye as I dance, unaware of anything but the music and the movements of my dance partner, who begins to falter. The other spirits spin away from us, unable to keep up with the beat.

My partner is the same, but the song speeds up still, until I am pulling him back and forth through the steps.

Eventually, he falls away from me, and I am suddenly standing in the middle of the dance floor, completely alone. 

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