Just a Little Bit - ENHYPEN

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Fun fact: The name above is technically not the real name of the song. The actual name is 몰랐(pronounced mollass-eo) and it means "I didn't know."  Most of the international fans, like me, just call it "Just a Little Bit" so that's what I wrote on top. Anyways, happy reading!

-Rayy ;)


"I finally found her—the girl with the starry eyes and the silvery voice. I found my love."


I step out of my new house into the empty street, expecting to see a bustling city like where I lived before. Everything is different here in Japan, compared to the United States. It's peaceful here, but even though I've lived here for a while now, I've never fully gotten used to it. I still find myself thinking about it as my new house, even though technically, it's nowhere near new.

I'm often bored now, since I don't have many friends here yet and I don't know my way around a lot of the city. Most of the time, I stroll leisurely to the park, like I'm doing now, where I hang out a lot during my free time. I love it here, especially now, during the spring season, because of the beautifully budding cherry blossoms.

I first found this place in my first few days in Japan. I was homesick, and I just wanted to get out of my new house. I walked around aimlessly for a while, even though it was kind of cold and raining, and I didn't have an umbrella. I eventually ended up at this park. The rain had mostly stopped by then, fading into a barely noticeable drizzle. I sat on one of the benches under a tall tree, since I was already soaked to the bone and sitting on a wet surface wouldn't make it much worse.

I was trying hard not to cry from missing my friends and family in America when I saw her, laughing as her friends teased her. With her unique mannerisms and speech, she was so very different from everyone else I had ever met, but I was still drawn to her. She had a sort of magnetic pull. It wasn't because she was pretty or hot, like it usually is in movies. It was her smile. Everything else in the world seemed dumb and unimportant when I saw her smile.

We had made eye contact when she sat down on the bench next to me after her friends had left. I offered her a weak smile, trying to hide the fact that I had cried—not that she would have had any reason to care. But she did care.

Oh, it was like living in a different world when I talked to her. She was a bit different, with her eyes and her way of talking in style. As she spoke, she read my heart and had control of my thoughts and emotions, making me forget my sadness with just one light joke. We talked for what felt like hours, even though it was only 20 minutes. Talking with her was like a hazy dream—ethereal and captivating, and I couldn't stop myself from getting more curious about her.

Before that day, I thought I understood myself. I thought I controlled my universe. Even people's hearts seemed to be more obvious to me. I don't think that anymore. For the first time, I felt like I was falling in love—into an uncomfortable yet sweet feeling. I believed I knew everything, but she was my very own mystery. It should bother me—just a little bit—that my feelings are messy now, but it doesn't. She made my mind twisted and complex with her bright thinking, but why don't I hate it?

I've come here almost every day since then, trying to possibly see her again. I want to talk to her more, as she's understood me more in a few hours than people I've known my whole life. I've had no luck with that so far.

I reach the dry wood bench I sat on when I first saw her and stare at it for a while. I sit down in my usual spot, on the left end of the bench, and pull out a book from my bag. I hate to say it, but I miss her. We've only talked once before. So why do I feel like I can't stop thinking about her?

I open it and scan the text, trying to read, but I can't focus on the words for long enough. My thoughts keep drifting toward the girl. The leaves rustle as the wind begins to pick up. Soon, the wind goes from a slight breeze to a weak gale.

I snap my book shut, unable to focus on anything other than her. My world is about to fall apart, pulled by her sweet gravity.

I know I can't possibly be in love with someone I only talked to once. But somehow, I am.

I look up to try and stop my tears of frustration. My vision blurs as my eyes rove over the cherry blossoms on the tree behind me. I close my eyes, press my palms against my eyelids, and will myself to stop crying. I sit in the position for a few minutes.

I feel a flutter on my face as a blossom falls from the tree and lands on my cheek. Finally removing my hands from my eyes, I reach to pick the flower off my face. My fingers don't touch the flower, though. They touch another pair of soft hands, and I look up, startled.

Our eyes meet.

I see her eyes staring back at me, luminous and beautiful, just as they were when I first met her. Just as they were when I fell in love with her.

I finally found her—the girl with the starry eyes and the silvery voice. I found my love.


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The park:

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The park:

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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