Halazia - ATEEZ

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As usual, I recommend listening to the song at the top while reading the story. The music video for Halazia is absolutely amazing so I recommend watching that too sometime. Happy reading!

-Rayy ;)


"I will fight back, for I am my own Halazia. And I will free myself."


Ever since I've arrived in the prison, I've heard the whispers of the Halazia—the ones coming to rescue us from this place.

They say every Halazia lives a thousand lives of pain and torture. They say every Halazia suffers through a countless number of existences just to free us from the Scarecrows—our jailers and our sworn enemies. The Halazia are our saviors, they say. If that is true, why haven't they rescued us yet? Everyone else blindly believes it, as it is our last hope for freedom. At first, I hoped, too. Not anymore, though. How much longer shall I wait for my Halazia?

I drag myself through the hallway, wincing with every step at the weight of my chains. This building used to be our meeting ground to greet ambassadors and visitors. It used to be our pride and glory, known around the world, before the Scarecrows came. The building was thought to be very beautiful before, with winding designs on the walls and a pristine courtyard in the middle. Now, we, the people of World X, are stuck within our own structures. Now it is barren and destroyed, much like everything else in our world after the arrival of Scarecrows.

Our jailers deliberately imprisoned us here as a reminder that we can never win against them.

I push myself toward the open courtyard, where a net of lightning covers most of the sky. Every single person in this prison has tried to escape at least once. We all try, but in the end, we all get used to the feeling of losing.

I stand under the criss-crossing net of energy for a while, trying to make out the sky beyond this hell.

After only a few months here, I have already forgotten how the sky looked on a bright summer day and the warmth of the sunlight on my skin. A majority of the other prisoners don't have many memories from the outside world because they were thrown here at such a young age. I remember, though.

I remember the taste of my mother's cooking, the beauty of the snowfall during winter, and the feel of my father's strong arms wrapping around me whenever I was scared. I remember the smoke that came from my house when it went up in flames. My sister's cold hands after the Scarecrows killed her. The screams of my parents telling me to run. I still hear them sometimes in my nightmares. Oh, how I wish I hadn't run from them that day. I wish I had stayed, even if it meant my death, because at least I would have died with my family.

I finally break my gaze after it starts to drizzle. I know I should probably go back inside now. If I spend a bit longer in the rain, I might get sick.

But I don't head back into the prison. After all, what is a little sickness in a world of pain?

The rain quickly turns from a light drizzle to the surge of a thunderstorm. I stay still, not wanting to go back inside just yet. I look at the ground and at the newly formed puddles. I see my own face reflected back at me, although I don't recognize myself much.

I've changed so much since I was first thrown here.

Who am I now? Where do I stand among the next and future generations? Deep down, I know the answer. Right now, I am no one. Another shackled girl with no freedom in a sea of others.

I raise my head and feel the raindrops splatter on my face.

In this broken world, I have only one small fantasy. I want to feel something—anything.

I want the feeling of love—hot passion—instead of cold despair. I want to feel a ray of happiness in this infinitely cold world. I want to feel what it's like to be alive—truly alive—instead of this shackled freedom.

I refuse to stay imprisoned any longer. I refuse to accept my fate any longer.

I walk back into the narrow, unlit hallways in the prison.

What have I been so silent for? Who am I in the darkness for?

I realize now that no one is coming to save us. We must save ourselves from this broken life. I will not give up my voice, my strength, my soul, and my happiness ever again. I am the voice that will overturn the world. I am my own savior. I am my own freedom. I will fight back, for I am my own Halazia.

And I will free myself.


I forgot to save my reference pictures and now I can't find them anymore. But I mean, there's only one setting here and that's the prison. I was pretty going for something similar to the prison in the Halazia M/V but I can't find a picture of it. So um... just watch the music video if you want, I guess.

- Rayy

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