How To Get The Bad Boy According To Wattpad

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Okay, so we've all read at least one of those bad boy stories. If, for some mystical reason you have managed to avoid them, let me sum them up:
Good girl meets bad boy, Bad boy teases Good girl, Good girl hates Bad boy but finds him attractive, Bad boy admits he loves Good girl, Girl realises she loves Bad boy too. The end.

So according to these books if you want your very own bad boy, (usually called Ryder or something ending in 'ake') just follow the helpful steps below.

1. Have two best friends. One is either nerdy or gay and the other is probably the best character in the book.

2. Hate the Bad boys guts even though he's only ever been nice to you.

3. You must only have one parent, or none. you decide.

4. Be an only child, or have, like, six brothers or something.

5. Do something stupid so you have to spend more time with the Bad boy.

6. You will probably start to feel attracted to him. Conceal, don't feel!

7. Sneak into his room or let him sneak into yours to comfort him about his family issues.

8. Call yourself a loner even though you have friends.

9. One of your best friends will probably fall in love with the Bad boys best friend. It's okay, this is normal.

10. Your gay best friend probably realises he's in love with you as soon as you begin to show your true feelings to the Bad boy.

11. Remember, glasses automatically make you a nerd.

12. Make enemies with a popular blonde cheerleader. She must be going out with/fancy the Bad boy.

13. There must be a party where someone gets drunk, even though everyone is underage.

14. An 'I gave him a there-is-no-way-you-can-understand-this-look look.' must be included somewhere in your relationship.

15. One of your friends will be the ultimate sass master.

16. At around the same point that your not-so-gay best friend admits his feelings for you another cute boy will come along to sweep you off your feet so your caught in the middle of a love... Square?

17. Look for the guy in the leather jacket with the motorbike. This is how you will find him. Just look for the leather.

18. If you're not white you might as well kiss your bad boy goodbye, because apparently no main couple can be of any other race. No chance. (Not on wattpad anyway.)

19. Change your name to something generic, like Kylie or Lindsay.

20. Complain how you're fat and ugly, yet describe yourself as looking like a model.

A/N So, are there any I left out? Anything you think I should do next?
Did I offend anyone? (Sorry if I did.)

PS. Sorry to anyone named Kylie or Lindsey, they're both very nice names, honest! :)

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