Together again ?

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The party went pretty well and Saad's happiness was over the 7th sky and everyone could see that . After the party was made an announcement which was that

Now Saad and Noor would be living together once again like a proper couple not only them but Minahil and Talha aswell

After the party the cousins and the new couples were sitting together when Minahil called Noor to talk in private "whyyyyyy ? She is not going anywhere" said Saad
"Just for few minutes Saad come on" replied Minahil

"What !? Nope i have met her after such a long time Minahil . Don't test my patience" said Saad now making everyone laugh

"Saad jaan it will take only few minutes hmm ?" Said Noor sweetly as ever to which Saad made an annoyed face but agreed and they went from there

"Yes Minahil?"
"Actually I wanted to say sorry" " for?" Asked Noor confused
"For everything I ever did to you , I am sorry . You and Saad look good together and I just don't like him anymore and anyway if you have your Saad then I also have my Talha" Minahil said the last part blushing alittle

"Myyyy Talhaaaa ! Ohhh hoooo Minahil" said Noor teasing Minahil on which Minahil laughed and then asked " so do you forgive me ?" "Ofcourse I do Minahil" "thank you , I feel like a burden is finally off of me" "no problem Minahil"

"Well you know I realised that I could never love Saad the way you did the last day you were here . I felt soo much guilt later on and after years today I am feeling good . And Talha makes me happy , more than I ever imagined to be happy with Saad"

"Well I guess both of us hot our Mr perfect. No ?" "Yah we did" Minahil and Noor gave each other a small hug as they went back and Noor sat with Saad and Minahil said

"Say thanks to me Saad" "for what ?" Asked Saad
"That I brought her back to you in a few minutes I mean if I wanted I could take longer time" "oh myyy Allah , thanks Minahil" said Saad sarcastically making everyone laugh

              At home 11 pm

Noor and Saad entered the room and without wasting a single second Saad locked the room and hugged Noor tightly and started saying

"You have no idea love , no idea about how much I missed you , your touch , your voice and the comfort you gave me" he pulled out of hug and his eyes were teary explaining he meant what he said

Noor cupped his face and gently pulled him into a soft kiss . They kissed , it was not the first time but still felt more good than first time . But why ? Maybe because of how much they waited for each other and how much they craved each other .

Noor pulled out and said "I mossed you too Saad . I am just soo happy that the wait has ended . 6 years felt more like 60 without talking to you" Saad kissed her forehead

"Well without you 30 minutes felt like an hour" Noor looked at him for a second and then burst out laughing due to the seriousness in his voice and the way he said it to which Saad also laughed

Saad again hugged her and said " let's change and tonight we will cuddle  hmm ? Well I have told mom not to come to wake me and you up we will come when we wake up" "Ofcourse why not" Noor kissed Saad's cheek

They changed and got in the bed as they got into a cuddling position: Saad' neck resting on bed board and his arm under Noor's neck and her one hand on his chest . They both missed each other alot . They really didn't need to say that as their actions spoke for themselves

"You know Noor I again had nightmares after you left and I had no one to talk about it too , I missed you whenever I looked at my hair , whenever I combed them as I remembered how much you loved playing with them and you know whenever I got scared due to nightmares I cried not because I was scared but because I missed you . I am just so happy to have you here again . I love you jaan"

Noor looked at Saad and his eyes were teary . She got on her belly on top of him as she wiped his tears and put her one hand on his cheek and kiss his head making him burst out crying as he hugged her . He burried his face in her chest crying while Noor caressed his hairs . When he stopped crying Noor started to say sweet things to him so that he feels comfortable

"I love you Saad"
"That time is gone and now I am here , whenever you will be scared I will be lying beside you hmm , just hug me as hard as you want , wake me up in the middle of the night and I will wake up happily for you hmm ?"
"You are the best and To be honest you look so adorable when sobbing like a little baby , I just love you sooooo sooooo much" Noor said the last sentence as she cupped his face and kissed his forehead and he burried his face into her neck lying on top of her , his hand under her shirt caressing her waist and his other hand on Noor's arm that now was wrapped around him

"I love too Noor" "my cute baby , now shall we sleep hmm ?" "Yah but I want to stay in this position"

"I know it is your favourite, good night meri jaan (my love) , my heart's peace , mwah I love you" Saad giggled as he pecked her neck and both of them drifted to sleep in each other's arms

         The next day

Noor woke up and the first she saw was her husband admiring at her smiling like an innocent child and as he saw her eyes opening he quickly gave her a peck on her lips and said "gooood morning my dear beautiful, gorgeous, elegant, breathtaking, lovely , hot , sexy , pretty , etc wife"

"Ahh I love this morning" "and I love you more my Mrs Saad" Noor blushed upon hearing the word Mrs and Saad kissed her blushing cheek

    They got ready and went downstairs and now everyone was at the dining table and Noor hot to know that Dadi maa is pretty sick these days and Dada abu had passed away 2 years ago , since then dadi maa is sick

"Well now as everyone is again together I want a baby from Noor and Saad" Noor almost choked on her food as she got shy and Saad's reply made her blush hard

"Oh Ofcourse why not dadi jaan , we would love too , right love?" Noor didn't reply but everyone smiled at her being so shy

The day went pretty well


I hope you guys liked it ❤️

Vote comment and follow if you did ❤️✨

Note :
I have deleted series My second wife as I think it would not be liked

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