Chapter #3

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"Father,do I really have to go to his party?", Damien asked Bruce.

"Damien you know you are one of his best friends. How could you not?",Bruce said as he got ready.

"Just cause we defeated the aliens and saved the world doesn't mean we are frien-",Damien was about to say but got interrupted by Bruce.

"Damien,You know he will be upset if you aren't there for him...besides you know him for a few year now......",Bruce said as Damien thought about it.

Damien thought about it til he just sighed. "-sighs-",Damien breathed in defeat and responded.

"Fine,I will go.",Damien said as he walked off.

"Seems like he has a soft spot for Jon....",Dick said as he walked in.

"And you are off to where?",Bruce asked with suspicion.

"Well I am off to-",Dick was about to say til Damien came back into the room.

"Yo dick Starfire is here and she is waiting outside for you.",Damien said as he point out.

"Ahhh ok,go have fun. Dick just make sure you don't get drunk again.",Bruce said as he looked at him.

"Hehe....yeah I will be careful.",Dick said as he rushed to Kory outside.

"So anyways,you ready?",Bruce asked Damien as he nodded.

-sometime later as the sun was setting and the long road became empty they arrived at Jon's house. As Bruce rang the doorbell he and Damien waited for Kent or Jon to open the door. The door opens as music could be heard and people were seen talking and having fun.

"Ah Bruce,Damien welcome.",Kent said as he shaked Bruce's hand.

"Hi Kent, I brought Damien so he could join Jon on his birthday.",Bruce said as he gently pushed Damien in.

-Damien blushed in a flustered state as he hates being put on the spot and for something so trivial-

"Well then welcome and good to see you again Damien. Jon is upstairs. He is on his gaming console. That kid won't give up on the level of his.",Kent said as he let Damien through. Damien nodded politely to Kent and made his way up the stairs, the sounds of the party growing louder with each step. As he reached the top, he could hear the familiar sound of video game gunfire coming from Jon's room. Damien hesitated for a moment outside the door, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.

"Hey, Jon," Damien said, trying to sound casual.

Jon turned his head, a bright smile spreading across his face as he saw Damien. "Damien! You made it! Come on, join me. I need your skills to defeat this boss."

"Well I uh- ",Damien tried to say as he was pulled towards the tv screen.

"You do realize I never played this sorta games right?",Damien asked.

"It's fine Damien as long as I get to spend time with you. I am having a blast.",Jon said as he smiled.

-Damien heart bumped as he looked a bit red but shaked it off. He followed him lead as they both had fun. Unknowingly he had stepped into a trap. Later on they were called so Jon and Damien could eat and Jon could blow out his candle and eat cake. As more and more people Damien and Jon were left alone and just kept each other company-

-a few hours later and it was almost midnight when Kent came to tell Damien that his father wasn't going to be able to make it-

"Damien your father called and he-",Mr.Kent was about to say as he saw that both Damien and Jon had fallen asleep.

"Heh good night both of you...",Mr.Kent said as he turned off the lights.

-later that night Damien had to wake up since he felt a bit strange-

"Huh what is-",Damien said as he woke up from his deep sleep only to be met with a terrifying sight.

-It was Jon but he looked different. The moonlight was hitting him and he was over Damien as his hands pinned him to the ground. He tried to move but he had gotten a tight grip on him-

"J-Jon what are you doing?!",Damien asked as he stared at Jon.

-Jon just looked at him,Damien unable to do anything he jus waited for a response,a movement,anything at this point-

"Heh...",Jon giggled as he looked at Damien.

Jon looked at Damien and licked his lips and he began to talk. "What wrong darling?~ Scared? You have nothing to be afraid of senpai.",Jon said as he stared at Damien.

-Damien saw into his eyes. They were red with pink and he had hearts in his pupils. Damien was disturbed and troubled by this. How was that even possible. Jon eyes had blue in them not this such color-

"You know senpai,I really really hate my counterpart. He is so innocent. So annoying and really soon he will be no more and I will remain.",Jon said with a playful but sadistic tone.

"W-what is this....who are you talking about?-",Damien asked as he was interrupted by Jon pinning his hand with his knee and letting go of his arm.

"Oh senpai~ how I yearn for you,my one and only~ Don't worry tho,soon you will be mine and mine alone....forever......",Jon said as he placed his hand on Damien cheek and held it.

"Jon what has gotten into you,this isn't like you! You-",Damien couldn't finish what he was saying because Jon had kissed him.

("W-wait Jon and I are- but we are- this isn't-!"),Damien thought to himself as Jon kept kissing him.

-Damien trying his best to fight back couldn't do anything but lay there struggling to get free. As Jon stop,Damien got some of his breath back as he panted. Next thing he knows Jon kissed him again but he felt something go down his throat and he parted ways as he saw Jon lick his lips seductively.

"Night night,senpai and have a good sleep~",Jon said as he smiled again.

-Damien's eye began to get heavy as he tried to stay awake only for him to fall into a deep sleep again. He slept for what felt like hours but he woke up in the same position he previously was.-

("What happened last night? Was it a dream or was it real?....."),Damien asked himself as he saw that Jon was in the same position he was yesterday asleep.

-to be continued-

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