Theadora the ENEMY MAKER

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After DADA, we walked as a group to lunch. Behind us, Harry and his minions did the same.

"Have you guys ever seen the Patil twins?" Blaise asked casually.

"They were just in that class..." I pointed out.

"Right!" Blaise chirped. "Well, they are quite the freaks in the sheets, if you know what I mean!" Blaise raised his hand to Theo, expecting a high five.

Reluctantly, Theo returned it. "We could always... y'know... share?" Blaise suggested.

"Urgh, boys are so gross!" Pansy whispered to me. I nodded my head, agreeing with her.

"Nah, Theo wouldn't do that, he's gone soft!" Draco taunted, trying to get Theo to rise to the challenge.

Surprisingly, he didn't take the bait. "Draco, you're right. It's a new era for Theodore Nott, girls deserve to be treated properly." Theo said with a proud smile. I shot him a small smile, I loved how he was trying to be a better person for Pansy.

"Theo, in the nicest way possible, you're a manwhore! You can't go a month without sex, and it's always with a new girl!" Pansy said. Theo frowned at this, obviously not happy with how she saw him.

"Challenge accepted!" Theo said. "Today is the 21st of September, if I don't sleep with any girls until the 21st of November, a whole two months away, you have to sleep with me!" He had set himself up very nicely.

Pansy laughed, "Deal." She agreed, obviously not thinking that Theo could last the two months. Little did she know, he would do almost anything for her. 

We walked silently for a bit, twisting and turning through the corridors. I had finally managed to learn the basic layout of where I needed to go, though I was far off learning every part of the ginormous castle.

Turning round a corner, I noticed Eli was at the other end, walking away in another direction. I didn't want to bother him, sometimes he saw his family as a drag, stopping him from what he truly wanted. 

I noticed that he looked good though, and had obviously made some friends with the same interests as him. That was very different to when he was at Durmstrang, where he, like Bertie, often got picked on for being different. I was glad that Hogwarts was good for them, they deserved the world and more.

Slowly, I realised the voices behind us were growing louder and louder.

"...and she really thinks we learnt anything from that stupid class?" Harry scoffed. It was obvious that he meant for us to hear it, so I ignored him as best as I could.

Hermione sighed. "Well, Harry, I actually learnt a lot." She huffed, walking quicker to catch up to me and my friends.

"I thought you were great, Thea." She smiled at me before walking into the hall. 

"Merlin, has she been possessed?" Harry joked.

Ron didn't laugh. "Mate, don't you think you've taken this far enough?"

"Not until that bitch realises what a waste of space she is-" Harry was cut off by Draco's fist. 

Before Harry could understand what was happening, Draco had pushed him to the floor, pulling his head back by his hair so Draco could look into his eyes. Blood began to pour from Harry's nose, and you could see the black eye already forming.

Around them, a group had begun to form outside of the Great Hall.

"Listen here, Scarface, you don't talk about girls like that and you especially don't talk about that extraordinary witch like that!" For good measure, Draco smashed Harry's head into the ground, not very hard, but enough to leave a clear message.

Harry flailed around under Draco, trying to hit him in any way possible. It didn't work, and Draco punched Harry in the face again. 

Deciding that this should finish before more of Harry's face started bleeding, I grabbed the back of Draco's robes pulling him off of Harry. 

He moved to go back to Harry, gesturing that he hadn't finished. "Draco, thank you, but you've done enough." I whispered to him, placing a hand on his chest to stop him from moving any further. 

Under my fingertips, I could feel his heart pumping erratically. It was going so quickly, but once I drew Draco's attention away from the fight and towards me, it began to slow. 

At that moment, Professor McGonagall was leaving the Hall. "What is going on here?" She asked, noticing the gathering of people crowding around Harry and us.

Harry was clutching a napkin that someone had given him to his nose. He lifted a shaky finger, "He hit me." He announced, ratting Draco out.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Mr Malfoy?" The Professor asked. Draco looked down at me, and I shook my head subtly, telling him not to go into too much information. 

Draco sighed, looking back towards the teacher. "Potter was speaking inaccurately." Was all he said. I smiled at him gratefully.

"That does not give you reason to hit the boy! 20 points from Slytherin." She turned to Harry, whose nose was still profusely bleeding. "Mr Potter, I suggest you get yourself to the Hospital Wing." She walked away, up the stairs.

"Watch out, Rowle." Harry said smugly. "Your little boyfriend's actions won't go pardoned." He turned, finally leaving us alone. 

I sighed. "Suddenly I don't have much of an appetite." I moved away. "See you guys later." I muttered, heading for the stairs.

"Thea! Wait!" Pansy called. 

I turned back around, facing the group. "I'm fine, really." I tried to muster a small smile, walking away before they could analyse it too much. 

Not really caring where I was heading, I walked up some stairs, down some hallways, round some corners.

I thought about how much harder this mission was than when I was first assigned it. Back then, I didn't know who Draco Malfoy was. But now, I knew things. How stubborn he is. How he hides his righteous side. How he tries his best to treat women properly. 

Honestly, in a perfect world, I could see myself marrying a guy like him.

But this world is far from perfect. Maybe I could settle for a dozen cats instead, fulfilling my lifelong dream of becoming a cat lady. Who am I kidding? That was a terrible ambition and not at all what I wanted. 

I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I wanted to open a shop that sells muggle items to make them more accessible to witches and wizards, showing how clever muggles can be. 

Suddenly, I was physically pulled out of my day dreaming by a hand wrapping around my upper arm. 

I was tugged into an alcove off of a hallway. "I see you have not been doing as I suggested." I looked to see Professor Snape staring down at me. I was not expecting that.

I stuttered, trying to get my words out. "It's hard to stay away from him, we share all the same classes, I see him around the common room. Distancing myself from him is impossible!" I snapped. 

"Soon you will come to realise that you cannot fulfil your mission, you cannot kill him, no matter how hard you try. By then it will be too late to take my advice." He moved back out into the hallway, signalling the end to our brief conversation.

He left with a small parting message, "Don't be foolish, Rowle."

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