CHAPTER ONE, watch me

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(althea's outfit for this first part of the chapter is above)

There was a big music showcase coming up, it was something every student had to participate in and Althea was a mess. As the days got closer to the show, Althea started to worry more and more. She was getting more anxious and usually when she was anxious and stressed she wouldn't talk at all and just use sign language because she would get frustrated with her speech and it would make her feel worse. Her friends have noticed her change in attitude and they were worried for her. Even Jade admitted she was getting concerned for Althea and that was saying something. Jade didn't show emotions like that often, but when she did, you know it was serious.

The school day went by like normal, but Althea was more quiet than usual. She didn't chime in with any witty remarks and she wasn't smiling or laughing like she normally did. She wasn't even using sign language like she usually did when she didn't want to speak. She just kept to herself, lost in her thoughts, worrying about the upcoming showcase. André noticed her change in behavior too and it worried him deeply. He knew Althea had a tendency to shut down when she was stressed or anxious, but he had never seen her like this before. He couldn't just sit back and watch her suffer in silence.

During lunch, André decided to ask her about what was going on. "Hey, Althea, is everything okay?" He asked softly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Althea looks up at him, startled at first, but then managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." She mumbled, though her eyes betrayed her true feelings.

André didn't buy it. He knew Althea well enough to see through her façade. "You don't seem fine. Is it about the showcase?" He asks gently. He could see her visibly tense at the mention of the showcase and knew he had hit the nail on the head. He frowns, feeling his heart ache for her. "Althea, you have nothing to worry about. You and Delia are going to do great. You've been practicing for weeks. You could probably do the whole performance in your sleep." He spoke with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood and cheer her up a little bit.

But his words had the opposite effect. Althea's smile fell and she looks away from him, her gaze focused on her food. "I'm scared." She admitted in a small, barely audible whisper. She didn't want to admit she was afraid, but she trusted André and knew he wouldn't judge her for feeling this way.

André's expression softens. He could tell Althea was really struggling and was hurting. He hated seeing her like this. "Althea, look at me." He says. Althea looks up at him again. His heart broke a little at the sight of her tear filled eyes. "I promise you, you're going to do great. I believe in you." He tells her earnestly. "And even if you do mess up a little bit, who cares? You're still going to be the most amazing girl out there."

Althea's eyes wells up with tears as she listened to André's comforting words. She knew he meant them sincerely, and it warmed her heart to have such unwavering support from him. She sniffled, trying to compose herself. "Thank you, André," She whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "I really needed to hear that."

André gave her a gentle smile, reaching out to wipe away a stray tear from her cheek. "Anytime, Althea. I'll always be here for you, no matter what." He promised her.

Althea couldn't help but smile back at him, a genuine smile this time. She knew she could always count on him to be there for her, no matter what. "I'll always be here for you too, André," She murmurs, sniffling again. "You mean the world to me."

André's smile widens as he continues to wipe away the tears that had escaped. "Same here." He tells her. "Thea, you're not alone in this. We're in this together, okay?"

Althea nods, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders knowing she had André by her side. "Okay," She whispers, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you, André. You're the best."

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