Ch 3. The inheritance test.

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Sleep brings me dreams. Some I've had before, others I haven't. I see flashes of a castle, a kingdom that I once ruled, with a dragon at my side . I see my mentor dying, him giving me my inheritance. Next, I see battles, images of lions, a giant snake and another castle, a different one, one that is awaiting my return. I see three people on a journey, 3 thives, all but one cheated by death. Next, I see flashes of a cave, an orphaned boy so alone. I see images of death, destruction, and pain. A cloaked figure refers to me as master. And finally, I see images of me in a cot, yet not just me. "There is another." I hear it like a whisper on the wind, a cold, harsh whisper as though someone who despised me is giving me this warning. Then, after flashes of green, the ones that normally end my nightmares, I wake up.

I feel Griphook undoing my restraints, and I try to sit up. "Relax, boy, you're in shock. Sip this, " he says, giving me a copper looking drink that smells sweet. I take a sip. It's kinda fizzy, but there's foam on the top, and it tastes really sweet. "Butterbeer," he says before I have time to ask.
"Really nice," he smirks at my comment before handing me my/Duddlys clothes back. I put them on and noticed that the hand he had cut is now healed. I also notice my skin looks more tanned and healthy. "Mr. Potter, before you put your top on, please take the time to observe yourself in a mirror first," he says. He pressed his hand to the wall, which suddenly turned around and displayed a mirror. I look into it, and thinking of my hand, instantly turn around. All my scars are healed. Hesitantly, I spin around to look at my forehead, but Griphook turns the mirror around, shaking his head. "Unhealable, I'm affrid. Although there's one more very obvious change you're missing. I observe my clothes and find they have shrunk on me. " You went through a magically induced growth spurt and healing process. You're as tall, broard, healthy, muscular, and sized as you should be if you had been allowed to develop normally."

He turns the mirror around so I can observe myself again, and I note some definite physical changes. As promised, I'm taller and no longer as skiny as a twig. I presume with time I'll develop muscle as I normally would.I notice my hair also no longer looks like a ravens nest, but is more neat and curly. It also shows tints of various shades of green, brown, red, orange, blonde, blue, silver, grey, and purple weaving between the now various shades of black. My nails are also all well trimed and appear to be polished and shine with the same colours as my hair. I also note my eyes, no longer just emerald green but with hints of the other colours in my hair and nails, my eye lashes are also longer and darker and my eyebrows bushier and matching my hair. My lips are bigger and more redder than before as well. My cheeks are a healthy red rather than their usual underfed pale, and I now have a few freckles.

Turning around, I notice my back is broarder, and my bottom is less squishy and more rounded and defined, and my thighs actually have some muscle. My legs are also longer, and my calfs more defined.
There's one more change I notice, but I don't want to look down there right now.
"Some effects only last as long as you stay healthy. For the time being, they also don't show to anyone who doesn't know your true identity." He explains.
"No one else but us three can see these physical changes?" I ask him for reassurance. He nods. You will still feel their effects. The illusion can be broken if you were to reach something that would be too tall for someone your apparent height, for example." He carefully explains.

I nod in understanding "now Mr Potter, would you like to discover your inheritance?" He asks with a smirk. I nod, bracing myself. Holding his dagger against the opposite wall, he says, "reveal his secrets."
Suddenly, red writing appears on the wall he had his dagger to. "In English," he commands the wall writing.
"It is in English," I point out. He frowns at me. "It wasn't. Could you understand it anyway?" He asks. I nod confused. "Hello, my name is Griphook," he says as though testing something.
"Hello, my name is Harry Potter?" I say woundering if this is a test.
"Harry, he just spoke gobbledegook, you replied in English. You can understand goblin, " Hagrid says. I look at him startled, then look to Griphook for confirmation, which I get when he nods almost excitedly.
"Let's look at the inheritance chart, shall we? Maybe that will explain." He says, pointing us to the wall.

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