ch 4. Gringots

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The vault is at least as big as a grand sized house and is pretty much floor to ceiling with gold coins, diamonds, rubies, silver and a few other gemstones and valuable minerals. However there is a small front section where there is not piles of riches. It is this section that intigues me. In front of me is a table, on the table is a few ornaments that I imagine were more precious to the Blacks than their gold.

The ornaments include a golden bow and a quiver of arrows as well as a small silver dagger. To the side of the table is a box which Mrs Malfoy seems to be inspecting.

Finally she opens it. I walk over too her. "I wondered what had happened to them." She says thoughtfully, she's holding two mirrors in her hand and in the box is another. "Andromeda left hers when she left us. She decided to marry a muggleborn. It was, still is, frowned upon by the pureblood families - ones whos blood line is fully magical all the way down." She explains. "These two" she says, holding up the ones in her hand "were Regulus' and Sirius's" she says with a sigh.

She swaps Regulus's with Andromeda's and hands Sirius's one to me before giving Andromeda's to Draco. "They would like you two to have these" she says smiling at us.
"Oh mother really?" Draco asks eagerly. She nods smiling. "What's so special about it?" I ask confused. Suddenly Draco runs to the other side of the vault. And whispers into his mirror.

Suddenly his face appears in my mirror. "Draco?" I ask confused. "Hey Harry!" He says waving at me, from the mirror. I look up and see him waveing into his mirror and I wave back. "It's a two way mirror. It means we can communicate wherever we are. Whenever you like. Even if you end up in Gryffindor or something" he explains.
Suddenly I find my heart beating more fluttery "I like the sound of that" I tell him.
"Yeah me too" he says grinning. Mrs Malfoy leans over my shoulder "okay Draco you've showed Harry the mirror. But you need to come back now, I've lost your father" she says shaking her head bemused. Imedietly Draco hangs up, if you can call it that, and runs back over to me.

Just at that moment Mr Malfoy appears out of a wardrobe that was sort of at the center of the front part if the vault. "Obseen, absolutely peacock, how outrageous" he says muttering to himself.
" I see you've found Narnia" Griphook pipes up. "How outrageous. A whole world, inside a wardrobe. What insanity"
"The dimension of the spirit animal, otherwise known as Narnia. A couple of hours in there equates to a few minutes in here. Before Orion Black the first began his quest for knowledge about love the cabinet was originally designed as a torture chamber." Explains Griphook with a smirk.

"Right, moving on" I say retreating out of the vault. The others follow me as I turn left out of the vault and immediately into the next one.
This one opens the same as the last and is filled with am adequate amount of gold and a few gems and jewels. Just like the Black vault the Lestrange vault has a section for possessions, mostly various torture devices which I shuder at the thought of what any of them could do, they all look rather horrible and cruel. However, the most notable aspect if the room is a shaking wardrobe.
"That's a bogart in there isn't it?" I ask.
Nodding I leave the vault.

I carry on walking right to the the end of the hallway. "Harry where are we going?" Draco asks impatiently.
"To the vaults hall of the fallen nobility" Griphook replies with a smirk to his voice. "Or more accurately the Potter, Peverell and Gaunt vaults" I correct.

We climb a set of stairs at the end of the hall way and turn left. We pass a vault with a picture of a weasel covering the door then a few more vaults with other animals or sometimes people untill finally I get to a vault. The vault simply has a picture of a lightning bolt scar on the door.

Rolling my eyes I place my hand on the door, this time it swings open for me. I step into the vault, just like the last vaults I find it stacked high with gold and some rubies and diamonds. As with the last vaults there is a section at the front for possessions. There is a cauldron sat upon a table, it appears to be made of solid gold and it's just as heavy. Instead I focus on what looks like a money sack. "A claw grab bag. Put your hand in it" Griphook says. Shrugging I do as told and reach into the sack, I find it empty untill I keep searching, my hand has definitely gone beyond the limits of the bag now and it's getting cold "Merlin's beard!" Mother look!" Draco cried out pointing to the ceiling. Following his gaze I see my own hand, but much larger coming out of the roof. Yet my hand is still in the bag. I grab onto a handful of the golden coins and pull my hand out of the bag. Sure enough a handful of golden coins is still in my hand when it gets out. "A claw grab bag." Mr Malfoy explains to Draco. "I never realised your hand actually, went out of the ceiling like that." He says. I pocket the money bag and we leave that vault and move to the next one.

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