Chapter 2

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"Alright so, we'll take that elevator on the central platform to go down to the master control zone. Do you know the way?" March 7th looked at both you and Stelle with a sweet smile. You and Stelle briefly made eye contact for a quick moment then both your eyes parted away from each other. You looked down at the elevator that March 7th was talking about and you didn't think it would be too difficult to get to even if you didn't exactly know where you were going at all, you were pretty confident that you could at least navigate down to the elevator. "Um, I notice that you're not wearing the space station staff uniform. Do you really work here?" You looked back at March 7th with a confused but dumbfounded expression. You really just noticed that? And here I thought I was the one who rarely pays attention to the people I meet. "I don't remember.." You heard Stelle finally say after a long period of silence. You were grateful she said something. And that something was very believable considering the current circumstances you were both currently in. March 7th looked at both of you before she spoke again. "... Memory loss, huh. You must've been injured.. well, I can already see MC is quite injured but I guess those injuries must have also affected your memory as well in both of you.." You honestly were in quite a bit of pain just from walking but you have carried on this far so you were determined to make it the rest of the way and then figure out what to do later. You sheepishly scratched the back of your neck. "But nevermind that, I won't ask either of you if you both don't want to talk about it." You were imagining her to douse both of you in a lot of questions but to your surprise, she wasn't going to push any further. She wasn't exactly like any of the people you encountered in Teyvat, she was pretty gentle with her words and didn't push or make you answer any questions you didn't want to. It was a nice change of pace from what you were used to and you didn't think it would exactly be a bad thing either. "Enough of all of that! Let's go, I'll take you to the safe zone~ Just follow me!~" As much as I would love to ask all of the questions I currently have, I have a strong feeling that she wouldn't know any of the answers. I'll wait till we meet more people then I'll try and figure out what exactly is happening. You and Stelle both followed March 7th and the silence was very deafening, to you at least. Oh my Archons, I would love to make some small talk but I don't even know what to talk about. I guess I'll have to deal with this annoying silence for a little while longer.. I miss Paimon a lot. It was never quiet with her around, it never was and never has been. She was one of the most talkative people I've ever met but it was in a good way. You were reminiscing all of the memories you and Paimon had made in Teyvat as you both traveled across different nations and basically became their saviors or knights in shining armor. "Hello? MC? You still here?" You snapped back into reality as March 7th was up in your face. She was so close that your noses were practically touching and as soon as March 7th realized how close she was to your face, she immediately backed away with a small blush on her face. "S-sorry about that!" You were still in somewhat of a dazed state so you didn't think much of it at the time. You slightly smiled at her and spoke in a somewhat calm tone. "No, no, you're fine. I shouldn't have spaced out like that, my apologies." Stelle looked at you with a bit of a confused expression. "What were you thinking so deeply about if I may ask?" You were caught off guard at that question. "A dear friend of mine, that's all.." Stelle continued looking at you, it was very unnerving with the way she looked at you. "If you say so." You let out a deep exhale as her gaze finally wavered away from you. The way she looked at me was pretty terrifying. Her gaze reminds me of the way my siblings would look at me when they thought something was off about me. Archons, I miss them so much. If only the world would have let me see them one last time.. "Watch out!" That yell caught your attention and you realized one of the Legion's robots was standing right behind you, readying to attack you. Thanks to your fast reflexes, you were able to dodge the attack. Oh my Archons! I really need to pay more attention to my surroundings right now! March 7th quickly shot an arrow towards the robot and Stelle appeared right behind it and smashed its head in with the bat she picked up a little while ago. "MC! Are you alright?" March 7th ran over to you quite concerned, considering the look on her face. "Just peachy." She sighed in relief and Stelle walked back over to the two of you. "We should probably continue before more of these guys show up." March 7th nodded and grabbed your hand while she continued walking. "Wait- why are you holding my hand?" March 7th simply smiled at you. "So you don't wander into trouble again like you just did!" She lightly hit you on the head and you slightly rubbed the top of your head where she hit you. "Fine, fine. Just give me a warning next time." She slightly stuck out her tongue in a playful manner and responded. "Noted!~"

"Ah, I knew it

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"Ah, I knew it.." March 7th seemed quite troubled when she went to the orange panel. You were a bit confused as to what she was troubled about considering you weren't exactly great with technology since you didn't really have much of that in Teyvat. "Is it broken?" Stelle appeared right beside you and asked March 7th a question about the orange panel in front of her. She slowly looked at the both of you before she let out a heavy sigh and answered Stelle's question. "-But it wasn't me! The Antimatter Legion must have broken it!" That's what she was worried about? She thought that the both of us would think she broke it? "We know you didn't break it, trust me. You've been helping and protecting us from the very beginning, it would be out of character if you were to suddenly switch sides that like, don't you think?" Stelle nodded her head at my response and added to my statement. "MC's right so don't worry about that. What we probably need to figure out is if we can fix it and how we fix it." March 7th sighed. "You're right.. too bad Dan Heng isn't here. He's like a walking encyclopedia... He knows a ton of complicated stuff--- maybe even elevator repair..." Now we are kind of screwed if we don't figure out something else.. "I'm sure we can figure out some-" You were cut off by the masculine voice that came from behind you. "I don't know that one." Oh my freaking Archons! He can't just appear out of nowhere like that he's going to give someone a heart attack doing that! You were caught very off guard at his sudden appearance. And it seemed like so was Stelle and March 7th. "Whoa! Why are you here?!... And how did you get here before us?" That's a really good question.. but.. shouldn't we be focusing on how to get to the elevator to work and get to the master control zone? "I took another route to the upper level, and I saw you guys from up there." You were still somewhat on guard with him around and you couldn't quite figure out why. You were fine with March 7th but whenever he came around you felt like you shouldn't let your guard down with him. It's probably because I've been around March 7th and we've both talked more than I have with him. "Arlan is in the control room. He's been injured, but not fatally." That's good. I think I have some medical supplies with me, maybe I can help him in some way? "You found him! Will he know what to do about this elevator?" She's not even worried about the fact that he's injured! Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside her head.. You looked at March 7th slightly concerned. "I suppose as the head of the Security Department, he should know." Neither is he! Maybe he barely has any injuries at all.. I just want to go back to Teyvat and see Paimon again! "Then let's go talk to him!" Here we go again...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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