Seek and Find-Part 3

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 Nie Hiausang was the one who found out that Wei Ying had left town.

"He wanted to get away for several days, possibly a week. He said he was going to West Virginia to paint the Great Falls near Harper's Ferry. He paints like he is possessed at times.  But that has always been Wil...Wei Ying... in a nutshell. He asked if I would collect his mail and water his plants. He has a small Botanical Garden in that place. A tiny, private jungle. I always expect Tarzan to appear." He batted his eyes at Lan Zhan. "Maybe he has. Physically imposing, a man of action, quiet, says little. Sounds like someone I know."

He hastened on as Lan Zhan shot a warning side-glance his way.

"At least he has passed the periods, lifetimes ago, when he would seek ways to actually do physical harm to himself."

Lan Zhan remained quiet as he sipped a cup of honey-laced tea. White tea and honey made from peach blooms from groves in Asia; one taste-driven obsession he had never been able to break over the centuries. Wei Ying was the other. His private ambrosia. Delicate and complex. Deceptively strong.

He had fashioned a plan in the short time before he lifted his head and looked at his friend. 

"I want you to contact him and explain that you have been called away. Reassure him you have leased this space to a responsible artist, that you have thoroughly vetted over the last month. Say that I have agreed to water the plants and collect his mail. Convince Ying that he does not need to return in a rush and that his new neighbor is happy to help out, as he takes what time he needs. Perhaps suggest that he could do the same for me in the future, since I travel at times. You are good at this sort of thing. Oh, and do not mention my name. Wei Ying is the type that would not like to impose on, nor feel any more indebted, to the stranger who pulled him out of a mortifying  situation."

Hiausang fanned himself leisurely. This new fan creation was a marvel; his ancestral burial crypts at sunset were painted in black, gray, purple, and red-violet shades. Depicted in violent gold, white, and crimson, was the great sword Baxia, his lost brother's spiritual tool, slashing through the sky above the largest tomb. Sad and intriguing. His old friend was having a tough period at this time. He watched the tiny man work to retain his bland facade.

Lan Zhan spoke softly. "I do not mean to intrude, but I hope you will take this time to yourself while he is away. Go for a few days. Your staff can handle the investigations for you. I will cover any overtime and smooth Uncle's feathers. There is nothing on his docket for some time that needs a private investigator's talents."

Hiausang arched his eyebrow as the fanning increased.  "You have the time to worry about me right now? Lan Zhan, rescue Wei Ying, not me. I do well with my troubles. Someday, one of these lifetimes, Nie Mingjue will return to me. I can be as strong and patient as you Lans until it is my turn. After all, the messes you two make keep me quite entertained."

"The offer stands. Now, let's go next door. I need to see what I am dealing with. I also need his keys."

'Sang had not exaggerated. The place looked like the Amazon had been transplanted before the large industrial windows. 

"He is actually organized with this stuff. No!...Really!...On the desk, he has a binder, and they are written down in order; alphabetical order by botanical name and then their given names. Even little water-colored pictures, with and without blooms. It has instructions for each one. And...and...and...If you start with the window, left to right they each have a name plate. They are also arranged alphabetically by botanical with their given name underneath...."

His voice dwindled to nothing at the expression on Lan Zhan's face. 

Bemusement? Horror? Fear?

"GIVEN names???"

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