♥Inumaki Toge x Reader♥

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Plum Plum


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2nd POV:

As you lay on the grass, your chest heaving from the intense training session, you couldn't help but steal glances at Toge Inumaki. His presence was comforting, his unique way of communicating, even more so. You wiped the sweat from your brow and turned to him, ready to engage in conversation.

"Toge, that was a tough one, huh?" you said, panting slightly as you tried to catch your breath.

Toge responded with a simple hum, accompanied by a small nod, acknowledging your statement.

You chuckled, finding his straightforward responses endearing.

"Yeah, I'm beat. But it's worth it, right? We're getting stronger every day."

He tilted his head slightly, as if considering your words, then nodded again, this time saying, "Salmon."

You smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with him. Despite the language barrier that existed between most people and Toge, you had taken the time to learn his unique speech, and it had brought you closer together.

As you lay there, taking in the peaceful moment, Toge tenderly looked at you and murmured, "Plum plum."

You furrowed your brow in confusion. Plum? What did he mean by that? It was a new word, one you hadn't encountered before in his vocabulary.

"Toge, what does 'plum plum' mean?" you asked, curiosity piqued.

Toge's cheeks flushed slightly, and he averted his gaze, a rare display of shyness from the typically stoic second-year student.

He hesitated for a moment before responding, "Plum plum."

You blinked, unsure of how to interpret his response. Did he not want to tell you? Was it something personal?

Deciding not to press the issue, you simply nodded and smiled, letting the matter drop for now.

The two of you continued to lie there in comfortable silence, the only sound being the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.

As Toge continued to gaze at you with that enigmatic expression, the peaceful moment was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Panda, Maki, Nobara, and Yuji. They approached, their footsteps punctuated by Yuji's infectious laughter and Nobara's disgruntled muttering.

"Hey, guys! Wasn't training awesome today?" Yuji exclaimed, his grin stretching from ear to ear as he plopped down on the grass beside you.

Nobara rolled her eyes, her annoyance evident as she wiped the sweat from her brow. "Speak for yourself, Yuji. I feel like I got all sweaty for no reason again."

Yuji chuckled, undeterred by her sour mood. "Ah, come on, Nobara! Training's all about pushing ourselves to the limit!"

Meanwhile, Maki and Panda engaged in a hushed conversation with Toge, their voices barely audible.

Everybody then discussed their plans for the evening, deciding to head back to the dormitory since it was getting late. You found yourself falling behind. Sensing an opportunity, you glanced back at Panda, a question burning on the tip of your tongue.

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