
491 34 7

May 18, 2018

Twelve - Taylor

"Have you seen my pen?" Taylor asked as she dug through the black duffle bag she had repacked when they went back for New York for a few days between shows. Clothes and smaller bags were strewn out across the floor and a baby blue pencil case sat open on her lap. There were plenty of working pens and pencils inside, but the one she was looking for that she swore was on top when she packed wasn't inside.

"Last I saw it was in the pencil case. I can find you a different one if you want." Emma picked up Taylor's now empty makeup bag and started replacing the items that now sat on the table. She zipped the bag and sat it on the floor next to Taylor, who unzipped it and looked inside for the tenth time. "It's not in there, babe, I swear."

"It has to be somewhere! It's not here and I know I packed it. It's my lucky pink one." She knew it wasn't in there, but it didn't stop her from checking it again. The entire thing was slightly unreasonable, she could just use another pen, but she loved that pen. She had written some of her favorite songs with that pen.

"I'm sorry, it may have fell out."

"I didn't put it in your bag, did I?" Taylor asked.

Emma shook her head and pulled her own duffle bag out from behind the open closet door. She opened it and pushed it towards Taylor. "No, I watched you put it in your pencil case. We can look in mine if you want."

Taylor took her up on the offer and pulled the open bag towards her. She pulled own all of the clothes, careful not to unfold them, until she got to the shirt on the very bottom. The first thing her hand caught on was a hard, cylindrical thing hooked on the inside of the shirt collar. She unfolded it and the glittery gel pen fell out and onto the floor. "Why's it in your shirt?"

"I don't know."

"Is this supposed to be a prank? It's not funny." Taylor folded the shirt back up and tossed it in the bag. She looked at her own clothes and belongings and shoved her face in her duffle bag to muffle a groan. It really wasn't a big deal, but it had been a rough day and all she wanted was to find that stupid pen before they had to leave in ten minutes.

"What? Why would I hide a pen as a prank?"

"I don't know, Emma. I need to put this stuff up now." She pulled a pair of shorts off the pile of unfolded clothes and stuffed it in the bag, not bothering to fold it or care if it ended up wrinkled

"Let me help." Emma took another pair of shorts, but Taylor pulled it out of her hands. "What the hell is going on with you today?"

Taylor almost felt bad, but she was back to being annoyed before she had a chance to act on the feeling. "What the hell is going on with you today? Why'd you put my pen there?"

"I didn't! Stop accusing me of that." Emma pulled the shorts back and folded them as aggressively as you could fold laundry and sat them in the bag.

"It's fine. I don't even care anymore. Just-" Taylor was cut off as someone knocked on the door. "For fucks sake. It's unlocked, come in!"

The door squeaked as it opened. Tree walked in the room with her red ponytail swinging back and forth and a pissed expression on her face. In her hands was a tablet that held all her focus. She hadn't looked away once and yet seemed to know exactly where she was going. When she got to where both girls were sitting on the floor, she finally looked away from the tablet and down at both messes on the floor. Taylor didn't want to deal with whatever Tree was about to talk about but, judging from the expression on her face, she wasn't going to give Taylor a choice.

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