Chapter 1: Train

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(I wrote this when I was like YOUNG so it isn't amazing)

As I arrive on the train my brother, Draco, pulls me into a carriage with a few other people. I don't recognise any of them but Draco starts greeting them so I assume their his friends."Guys, meet my sister, Amelia," Draco says to them. Everyone gives me some sort of greeting like a friendly smile or wave. "She's in the same year as us. Amelia, this is Pansy, my girlfriend, Blaise, Theodore, Lorenzo- but just call him Enzo, and Mattheo." Now I have their names, I can recognise them. Pansy was pretty like he described, Blaise looked strong(like the story when Blaise beat a whole class in arm wrestling), Enzo seemed smart and Theodore seemed like a good friend but a jerk(His words not mine!). "Nice to meet you." I say still standing. Draco had sat down but I wasn't sure where I would sit. Draco is seats next to Pansy and pats the seat next to him signalling for me to sit. I take the seat gratefully and listen to them chat."Where y'all go over the holidays?""Stayed home""France""Europe""My bed""We stayed in the manor. A few too many meetings to be able to go away." Draco says. I guess we all know about the Death Eaters. "Amelia you gotta get sorted when you get there. No pressure but try and get Slytherin. You know what will happen if you don't." Draco says looking right at me. "Yeah... I know."Pansy sees the look on my face and, thankfully, changes the subject. "How about a game of truth or dare? as a bit of an icebreaker." We all agree and Blaise starts."So Amelia.. T or D?" He asks. "Truth" I say, not ready for a dare. "Why did you only join 5th year?""I went to the Beauxbaxtons academy because Father thought Hogwarts was too dangerous and that I was... well weak and couldn't handle it." I mean it's kind of true. Everyone just kind of continues. "Draco T or D?" I ask Draco"I know your dares, so dare!" He responds with a smirk. "Kiss Pansy." I say with a slight smirk. "Not like you, but gladly." He turns to Pansy and instead of just a peck -which I was guessing it would be- he kisses her passionately making me cringe. Thankfully he stops a moment later when the guys start pretend-gagging. I had started blushing. I found it gross my brother would snog his girlfriend in front of me. Sure we had spent many nights on the floor in his room while he gushed over Pansy describing everything but I was half asleep then!"Alright, alright I get it guys." Draco laughs. "Enzo T or D?""Truth," Enzo said with confidence."Most embarrassing moment!"All the colour drained from his face which I found slightly concerning but everyone just laughed saying. "You got one!" "Can't lie 'bout this Enzo!""W-well I was about 13 in break holidays. I just came back from the Hogwarts Express and stuff. When I went into my house no one was there. Kind of cried thinking they forgot me." He mumbles the last sentence, "But turns out it was a joke and the press was involved so I was labeled things like 'softy' for a few weeks."

He says quickly. Everyone just chuckles but then thinks about it. Draco once told me that Slytherin is the best house, not because of status but how much empathy we all have due to our own experiences. Theodore breaks the silence and says were nearly at the castle and we need to put our robes on. The boys change in the room(because they don't care and have known each other for years) and me and Pansy change in the bathrooms.

We get to the castle and it's just now I notice how quiet Mattheo was. He seemed very focused on whatever he was doing with his pen and paper on the train. We walk together as a pack in silence. Draco stops me just before we go in. "You need to wait a few minutes then get sorted. Don't stress over it I know you will be on whatever house is best for you." I'm so scared that I just nod and stay put.

A few minutes later another girl who looks a bit younger than me, and a scary lady comes and joins me leading me in while holding a crust old hat. The younger girl goes first. Her name is Janis Persivil, she gets sorted into Ravenclaw. I'm next. I take a deep breath, careful not to make sound. I feel awkward enough already. "Another Malfoy?? I thought there were only 3 of you! Hmm... should be Slytherin!!" Everyone at the Slytherin table claps, some cheering. As I sit down my robes change into Slytherin robes. I feel a wave of relief wash over me as Draco pats me on the back. "Well done. Father will be pleased to hear that." I just give a weak smile in return. I don't want to disturb them but I do feel the need to ask one question. "What happens with dorms?" I ask looking around to anyone for an answer. An older boy answers me "We get sorted after this meal. Dorms of 2. Sometimes girls and boys share." I nod to thank him but feel a wash of anxiety over me. I need to speak quieter if he could here me clearly and not be in our group, not supposed to be paying attention to me. "Sorry that's my brother, Tom." A voice says. I look around and see it's Mattheo. "He has weird hearing. It gets annoying sometimes." He says smiling. It is like he could read my mind, but it's comforting. "They say weird traits are the best." I say earning a smile from him.

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