Chapter 5: DATDA

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!!If you are sensitive to eating disorders, I suggest you stop reading this book now!!

I quite enjoyed matching the picture with the name of the animal. It was so easy and Hagrid made the picture so cute and harmless, even though cranckers(made it up) are deadly to those they don't recognise. We have a wood a few acres behind the manor which have cranckers that have gotten used to me. They never go out of the wood so I explored them from the edge, and after time I made friends with them. We get to DATDA a little early and see the last few students coming out silently, which I found strange. Hagrid's class wasn't quiet but it was still respectable. Surely DATDA was fun and people would discuss it after class. Everyone side-eyes them then looks at each other. I guess this doesn't seem normal for them as well. We get in and a lady, who is probably in her late 50s, stands at the front with a tight smile on her face. She is wearing all pink and now I think I don't like pink as much anymore.

 "Slytherins arriving first in my first 5th year class! I'm already excited to get to know you." She says with a shrill giggle at the end that makes me wanna gag. Maybe she is just annoying and won't be strict to us since we are so punctual. (I hate being first but oh well).

Everyone else fills in silently. I go to sit down next to Draco but Umbridge quickly says very pointing "Boy's and girls must not be within 8 inches of each other." 

"But miss, he's my brother." Sure my hair isn't white but we are somewhat similar. 

"Still, you should not get into a practice of it." I head over to Pansy and sit next to her instead. 

"At least I can sit next to you and not a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff." I say smiling slightly. 

"You like Ravenclaws?" She responds pushing her things over to make room for me. 

"To copy off of." I say smirking a bit. 

"I see while your a Slytherin now." Umbridge shushes us and we got on with class. 

Harry has an outburst and gets a detention. We continue the lesson and exit the classroom when second class is over, understanding why those kids were so silent earlier.We grab some food from the cart serving morning tea. We get a fruit of our choice and a chocolate muffin. Draco takes my apple because he only likes green apples not red. I chuck out my muffin and join the group to sit down. Mattheo sits next to me even though the spot in front of him was free. 

"Don't like chocolate muffins?" He asks. 

"Not really." I respond emotionless, fiddling with the grass.

"Your not hungry? You also didn't have breakfast."

"I'm not a breakfast person. I sleep in past breakfast usually." I say glancing at him. I usually have breakfast a morning tea though. He's looking right at me. Well that doesn't make me feel nervous at all(sarcastic). 

"Well that explains it. You never just get a late breakfast? What about classes?"

"The Beubaxtons didn't have classes until 11am and ended classes at 5pm. They knew we didn't have too much to do so they just let us sleep." I say looking at my surroundings. I could probably climb this tree.

"That seems better than here. Bet you have a good origin story." He says biting into his peach.

"I'm sorry a good what??" I laugh, I thought I was the only one who called it an origin story.

"Never heard of a origin story?"

"No, no I have but I've never been asked that. Usually I'm the one asking a question like that." I say chuckling. I look at him but he makes eye contact with me. Why do I feel like he's looking right through me? Like he knows me even though I haven't said a lot.

"Amelia, would I look good in red?" Pansy asks breaking the eye contact between me and Mattheo. I shift all my attention to her 110%. 

"Oh, yeah you would look stunning. With your brown Ombre hair a slightly tanned skin, you would look gorgeous." I say, "And your eyes would fit in with it. If they were blue too much attention would be drawn to your eyes and the red would look misplaced." 

The boys look at me and then stare at Pansy, startled.

"See, this is why I'm glad to have a girl in the group. And a girl with a good eye at that." I get flustered slightly at the compliment and the bell goes to signal third class/period.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. Transfiguration is boring. I bet Professor McGonagall would be pleasant and a good person outside of the classroom but she is just really boring in class. The others are interesting 1, because it's magic, 2, because Beubaxtons only do the French version. I think muggle studies would be fun but I'm not allowed to do it because of the Malfoy name and I could be considered a blood traitor for wanting to learn about muggles. 

We head back to our common room since we are only allowed to go to Hogsmeade on weekends. The skirt starts to get itchy so I head to my room to change into a baggy shirt and ripped jeans. I head back downstairs barefoot with my book. 

"Father let you pack that?" Draco asks me. 

"Ha of course he didn't let me. I slipped my house elf some money to pack it in after he inspected my bags. 50% of my clothes Father doesn't know of. If anyone tells... you might not hear from me again" I say sitting cross-legged on the couch opening my book. 

"What do you mean?" Theodore asks. 

"No point threatening you since he will lock me up in the manor forever and I wouldn't be able to act on those threats." I say finding the spot I left of from in my book. 

"What book even is that?" Blaise asks tipping up my book(he is sitting next to me). 

"The hunger games ballad of songbirds and snakes."

"What is that? A muggle book?"

"Yeah they're quite interesting actually. This is the 4th of 4 books in the hunger games series. Quite wonderous what muggles come up with." I say. 

Everyone looks at me but instead of criticizing me they get more curious about my books. I guess they were also cut off from everything muggles do.

"So no magic books?"

"Some have things about magic but not like ours."

"What is the best book?"

"Either the Hunger Games or Wings of Fire."

"What material is this?"

"Paper? It's like parchment but thinner."

Everyone loved learning about muggles and we had a debate weather muggles are smarter than us. But we all hate to admit that they might be since we are so reliant on magic.

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