• 2 - Canvas of Carnage •

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After Ross' execution, everyone was terrified and full of grief. More robots came and cleaned up Ross' and Patricio's deceased body. "Ross, why would you do this?" says Lydd, the ultimate artist  while he is grieving silently while also feeling very cruel.

Reine ponders; "Why was the blood pink? What if they injected us with a dye? No, I'm probably being delusional."

Lydd proceeds to draw a replica of what he saw earlier. Lydd has plenty of thoughts, but one of them stood out.

"Nighel is the reason why Ross wanted to kill Patricio! I must take revenge."

It was already nighttime, everyone went inside their dorms. While Nighel was sleeping, Lydd was planning his assassination.

"What should I use? I don't have any weapons on me!" He looks around and finds a book:

"The History of Weapons? That sounds interesting." says Lydd, until he got an idea.

"I'll read this book, and try to make a replica of one of the devices found in this book!"

He then reads it for a while, grabs some materials, wears his gloves for no fingerprints, and starts creating a bat with spikes.

"I should customize it! Wait, it's gonna be obvious that I made it. Screw this idea!"

Lydd gets ready for bed and lays on his bed and dozes away.


Lydd plans how he's gonna murder her without getting caught:

"Aha! I got it, I have the perfect idea. Every room has a siren, and when she gets unconscious and she dies, I will pull the siren's trigger and no one will suspect that I'm the killer because I'll wear gloves and dispose them neatly so none of my fingerprints are on her corpse or the siren! "

"Woo, it really took me some time to plan that out!" He checks the time, it's 7:00 am. He grabs an energy bar and quickly eats it and chugs a glass of water. He then gets ready for a shower, gets changed, and goes outside his dorm.

"Bro Liam, do you have some food? I ate most of my snacks yesterday." says Xian. Liam replies: "Yeah, I think I have extra."

He hands him a protein bar. He happily munches his food, finally satisfying his hunger.

Lydd approaches Nighel; "Broski, wanna go take embarrassing photos of our classmates?" says him. Nighel agrees and they both grab their phones and went in a quiet room.

"This place will be perfect spot, they'll never except us here!"

Lydd then pulls out his bat and slashes her multiple times. "Oh no, what have I done?" Lydd quickly hides the bat and gloves while tearing up. He then pulls the siren.

Everyone rushes to the meeting room feeling tremendously scared, while Lydd dashes there feeling melancholy. "Who died? Who died??" says Kloe, as she is panicking and sweating.

Lydd, who is full of sorrow replies; "Nighel did.."

Miya shouts;"WHAT?! SHE WHAT?!" "Anyway, I was just looking around the campus for stuff with Lala."

Lara looks around looking for clues while helping Miya.

"So, who was last with Nighel?"

She was met with silence, until.

"I was last with her. I just left to.. prank her that I lost her but when I came back, she was lying on the floor."

Miya thought for a while. She then spit the words out of her tongue. "Lydd is the murderer! He used a weapon to attack her."

"What?! I didn't use a bat to hit her or something!"

"Got ya!" says Miya. She never specified what weapon was used and since there was no weapon at the scene .

Full of fear and agony, Lydd says "It's not me, I swear! Please.. I'll do anything!"

It was too late. Everyone had voted him, and the robots came again and dragged him to the execution room.

"HELP!! Please!! I'm sorry!" he shouts, but no one listened to him. Some people didn't watch the execution, thinking it was as gruesome as Ross' execution. But the people who had the guts watched. Most of the class' population came to watch.

He was locked inside. Banging on the glass walls, trying to break them, but it was too strong. The execution came. All of his drawings were transferred onto a giant canvas, 3x bigger than him. The art started to move and jump out. But it wasn't his art, it was assassins dressed up as the characters he had drawn.

His body was dismembered, he was being tortured nonstop, though, no matter how bad his torture was, no matter how painful it felt, he was extremely aware of what it felt like. His head was split into two separate parts, revealing his skull, and his organs. He cried, and yelled. His limbs were being chopped, he could not be able to do such thing about it. The torture was slowly ending, but the conciousness of the tortured body was still present.

It was worse than Ross' execution.

Everyone was disgusted and traumatized. The robots come and clean up Nighel's lifeless body , while Lydd's conscious body was burnt and his ashes were buried into a garbage dump.

"The blood was pink again. Why did that happen..?"

Everyone went to their rooms disappointed on what he did, while his friends were sobbing.

Word count: 897

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