Chapter 21 - The Museum Intel

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POV Pandora/Gemini

Chapter Started: April 6, 2024
Chapter Finished: April 22, 2024

Warren held a mission briefing before our mission, which was standard, but this one had more than just Warren, Eskimo, Matador and Callisto were also there as well, I had met Rory/Matador and Grace/Callisto while walking around, the day after I woke up Shelby and Will woke up as well, which was great! It's only been here for 5 days if you don't count the 2 comatose state days.

"We all know why we are right?" Warren asked, we all nodded
"Good, Eski, explain what the mission is," He told Alissa
"Ok, you are going to going to the Ulster Museum in Belfast, Warren has already gone to the Calamity Museum in Dublin 2-days prior, we found a bunch of info on Safehouses in Ireland, and Rory and Grace have already raided the Vorst Museum in Galway 3-days ago," She explained

"The Museum has Halcyon Operatives everywhere, so y'all are entering through the skylight, the problem is that you need to disable the alarms to cut said glass," Warren explained
"The place has 3 floors, The Basement, The First Floor which has the whole large portion of the exhibits like the dinosaur exhibit, royal exhibit, and treasure hunting exhibit, while the second floor has 2 more exhibits which were the art gallery, and the jewel exhibits and it also has the control room, but the basement was filled with the data, files, plans, and of course, the underground parking lot, that is where you are escape route however the shutters to it can only be opened from the inside, but we need that info, don't leave without it, ok," Grace said
"Me and Grace are your getaway drivers, by the way, well be waiting outside the shutters," Rory said
"Y'all ready?" Warren asked
"Yup, let's go!" We all said, before leaving for the van 

DATE: 03:00, OCTOBER 31, 2021

We arrived at the Museum at 3 in the morning on Halloween 2021, the place's exterior was dim but we could still tell that there were a bunch of operatives at the front of the building, the clothes we were wearing were Halcyon uniforms that Mike provided us with as our disguise, we walked to the side of the building and saw a ladder, that was how we were going to get onto the roof, we walked to the back and spotted a small alarm box, this was the alarms for the glass, I opened the door to the box and started to dismantle the wires to disable the alarms, once it was all disabled, we climbed up the ladder and walked up to a door that leads to the second-floor rafters and fidgeted with the handle.

"Locked," I thought, then I looked to the door's side and saw a keycard reader.

So we walked to one of the skylights and started cutting the glass, once there was a big enough hole for all of us to enter, we wrapped some rope around our waist, and repelled down onto the floor, we were in the jewelry exhibit, though I liked jewelry I knew I couldn't take any of it since someone might get suspicious, and raise the alarms.

We walked past the operatives on the floors and got to the control room, we knocked out the operator, shoved his body in the closet, and hacked the cameras, we walked downstairs quietly, and hid behind a wall as we heard a voice.

"For the last fucking time Sam! I cannot sound the alarms just because you think Marauder's here!" A man yelled
"Just do it asshole!" A voice said that we all recognized, Kamikaze
"I'm not going to fucking sound the alarms, because of your fucking intuition!" The man yelled at her
"Oh, since when did you have the nerve to use real names huh? You keep calling Pete 'Marauder' instead of 'Peter' 'Pete' 'Turner' 'Chase' hell you don't even call him 'Marau', since when did call people their names?" The man who was Septimus yelled at her
"MY 'BAD' ASSASSIN! JUST SOUND THE ALARM GODDAMIT" Kamikaze yelled again so loud it almost broke my eardrums, Crusader then grabbed Kamikaze dragging her off elsewhere, Virus then told us to keep moving, and so we did.

We walked into the basement and entered the info room, we started reading through the files, which Mike wrote down immediately, and hacked the computers for more info which Mike skimmed through, once we had all the files we ran to the underground parking lot.

When we ran into the parking lot, All of us immediately got knocked down to the floor, we looked up at the towering figures of Kamikaze and Crusader.

"Told you Sep!" Kamikaze yelled to Assassin
"Yeah you told me, and I just think you're crazy that you could tell that he is here just because you feel like it, you're like a drug dog, and not only that you're like Wren's pet, sucking up to him since he is in charge," Assassin says
"Shut the fuck up before I blow your brains out! Now sound the alarms!" Kamikaze screamed and Assassin left to do so, after a few minutes and the alarms still had not sounded she spoke to us.

"Looks like I caught you, Wren will be pleased to know that we have you, but looks like Assassin hasn't sounded the alarms so I guess I gotta do it myself, don't move or I will kill you!" She yelled and explained, she opened the door and was then tackled by Warren who I assumed was waiting at the door for her to open it, he then tackled her and cut her face around her eye, which made her scream which made us all stand up which we were unable to do since she and Septimus had their guns pointed at us.

We all sprinted to the end of the parking lot and hacked the panel that opened the shutters, we all ran to the black van and jumped in, and Rory and Grace drove us off, and a minute after we drove off I could hear the alarms going off and a specific demanding pet of a woman screaming at the top of her lungs that she would have her revenge, and we all looked at Warren with a questioning look.

"Why are you looking at me as if I caused WW2?" Warren asked
"We've been looking at you since you got in without raising the alarms," Will asked
"I'm with Will, how?" Asked Shelby
"Wait a second, weren't you discussing with Mike about accessing buildings through the sewers, is th-" Pete started but was cut off by Warren.

"Yea, that is correct! I walked through the Sewers, climbed the ladder, pushed that manhole yoke thing, knocked the Creed boy, and then tackled that pet of a woman, and we escaped with our lives, also should have brought a gas mask or had Mike installed one into my Fox Mask since those sewers made me wanna spend my whole day in The Jacks, which would probably be Donkey's Years," Warren explained, though I was confused at the words 'Yoke', 'The Jacks', and 'Donkey's Years', so I asked him what it meant he said, that Yoke means a thing, The Jacks means Bathroom, and Donkey's Years is a long time.

"Well, when we get back to the base, will ya do Eskimo on her desk? Hm?" Rory asked Warren sarcastically
"Yeah Warr, will ya?" Grace sarcastically commented
"I will yeah! I'm not that vile, asshats!" Warren yelled at them, I was confused at this, since he would, and said he wasn't that vile, so I asked them.

"What? You said You Would, and said you weren't that vile?" I asked after I said that Pete rolled his eyes and clutched his forehead, and Warren, Rory, and Grace, started to laugh so hard that Rory pulled the car over, while Shelby, Will, and I just stared at them confused
"Y-y-ya g-o-t-ta be kid-d-ding" Warren laughed through cackles
"Look, Pan, I will yeah is Irish slang for I will definitely not, no clue why that's the case, gave me a fucking migraine when I found out," Pete said in mental pain, and I taught I was also going to also have migraine.

(Christ I hate writing in Irish Accents! They have words with weird meanings, Like 'I will yeah' like seriously was the person who made Irish slang drunk!? No offense to anyone who is Irish, I think you people are great but the slang, Holy Shit! Anyway, I should finish it up here since I gotta study for my tests. 1448 words in total! Damn! What a long chapter.)

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