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AN: Kind of realised how stupid I was when I published the new version on old chapters that still had comments and votes. Not gonna happen again, sorry.

Meiko had left the Academy in the middle of the day because she was bored. As far as she knew, she was being followed by chunin, but Meiko had multiple decoy clones walking around to mess with them. It was funny, really, how the time had passed.

After Shisui's death, Meiko had missed two weeks of the Academy. She had cried and wished he would come back to no avail. She'd asked the circumstances and all she was told was that it was highly confidential. So, Meiko stopped asking. She just sent a clone to the Academy and then disappeared.

A few months went by like that until Hiruzen had noticed and pulled her aside. Now, she always went to the Academy, but she fell asleep in class and built up the persona of a slacker. It was easier than showing she was smart and she didn't exactly need what the Academy would teach her because it would be all useless.

Everything she had learnt in the academy had been wrong. Wrong stances, wrong technique for throwing, wrong information for tests. She even noticed that in the syllabus, the Uzumaki clan had been cut out. She used her logic and correctly assumed that, when the civilian council took control of the academy, they cut it out because they didn't want her to know her clan had been important in the creation of Konoha. To be fair, if the "demon" knew that her clan was part of the founding of Konoha and the First Hokage's wife was an Uzumaki, now that would make her royalty.

Back on track, Meiko was now standing on the roofs and watching the chunin run by while she masked her chakra signature.

Pretending to not notice Iruka's chakra signature, Meiko allowed herself to get caught. It was comical how Iruka grabbed her and shunshinned back to the academy. Meiko stood up and sat in her normal seat.

"Because you missed it, Meiko, everyone will review the transformation jutsu again!" Iruka ordered. Meiko rolled her eyes as everyone groaned.

All the academy students stood in a line in order of the list of names Iruka had on his clipboard. Meiko was third in line and she was delighted that everybody was annoyed.

"Alright, Sakura here. Let's do it."

Meiko rolled her eyes as Sakura transformed into Iruka. She then transformed back and squealed, "Yes I did it!"

Sakura then looked at Sasuke, "Did you see that, Sasuke-kun?" Iruka quickly called the next person to stop Sakura from her banshee tendencies.

Meiko watched Sakura look crestfallen and rolled her eyes.

Sasuke transformed into Iruka. Iruka smiled and wrote it down.

Another person and then it would be Meiko's turn.

That was when Shikamru, from next to her, spoke. "This is such a waste of time, Meiko." Shikamaru had a naturally tired and dull face. He said everything was a waste of time. But, Shikamaru had a very high IQ, so she could understand why he found everything boring.

"Yeah. We always pay for your screw-ups," Ino agreed.

Meiko rolled her eyes. "Like I care. At least now you can practise."

"You think I don't?!" Ino screamed.

"Well obviously," she rolled her eyes and gave Ino the Namikaze look. "All you do is stare at Sasuke, like Sakura. I'm surprised you two even know how to write neatly."

Ino yelled in annoyance, and she was about to punch Meiko when Meiko winked and waked forward; Iruka had just called her name, meaning Ino couldn't do anything to her, not that she could on a normal basis.

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