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Sakura didn't know how Meiko wasn't scared. She was cracking jokes and keeping the mood light in the face of this man. How?

The name Zabuza Momochi was terrifying enough. But his nickname, Demon of the Hidden Mist, was downright frightening. Sakura shivered as a wave of a monstrous aura surrounded the area.

It was like Meiko's aura from the classroom months ago yet more powerful and terrifying. Sakura felt frozen, sacred, useless. Just like Meiko had said. Sakura looked at Meiko and Kakashi to see them completely unaffected.

"Sakura," murmured Meiko, her hand softly grasping the girl's wrist. The weight, although Sakura would usually feel repulsed, was comforting. "Relax. Kakashi is an elite jonin for a reason, just breathe and calm down. Focus."

And then it was easier to breathe. The aura was less suffocating and Meiko's soft, kind smile was helpful. Sakura couldn't help but give a smile back, as though reassuring Meiko she was alright.

Meiko nodded and turned to Sasuke, who Sakura had noticed had also been affected. He wasn't as affected as Sakura, but Meiko's even and soft voice seemed to help him.

Was Sakura jealous? Absolutely, but that didn't mean she was an idiot. Meiko was clearly helping them, so she couldn't exactly bring up some argument over a boy, especially in front of an enemy nin. The time it took was exactly one minute and twenty three seconds. Meiko didn't bother with Tazuna.

"Everyone, stay back. He is not someone you can take on. It'll be tough, even for me. Unless I use this..." he said, lifting up his hitai-ate and exposing a blood red eye with three tomoes in a circular pattern.

Zabuza gave a dark, amused chuckle, "The sharingan, this early Kakashi? I'm honoured. I've read about you, back when I was in ANBU. The man who is said to have copied over a thousand jutsu, Sharingan no Kakashi."

Sakura saw Sasuke whip to stare at Kakashi's left eye. She understood why because even she knew that the sharingan was an Uchiha dojutsu and Kakashi was a Hatake. She watched as Sasuke seemed to literally have gears turning as he thought furiously on how Kakashi had one.

Meiko placed her hand on his shoulder and Sakura's eyes widened as Sasuke's tense posture relaxed a little. Sakura had no idea what she whispered to Sasuke, but he obviously trusted her. Her envy flared, but she shoved it down.

Now's not the time, Sakura reminded herself. Sasuke doesn't like Meiko, they're just teammates.

Unfortunately, her thoughts stuttered to a stop when a dense fog settled over the area. Kakashi was barely visible but he stepped back so that they could see him better.

"Don't worry, Sasuke, Meiko, Sakura! There is no way I will let my comrades die! He'll come after me first. Zabuza is a known master of the silent killing technique. Before you know it's over."

Sakura trusted her sensei. He was strong, he was skilled, he was going to protect them. The small part of her brain whispered that he could lose, that he wouldn't always protect them. She drowned that thought, it was just Meiko talking.

"You're at a disadvantage, Sensei. The sharingan is for prediction, not seeing through mists like this," Meiko pointed out. Sakura conceded and she could tell Kakashi did by the shifting of his stance.

Before Kakashi could say anything, Zabuza's voice came from all around the mist, "Eight points: Liver, lungs, spine, clavicle vein, jugular vein, brain, kidneys and heart. These places, if hit too hard or cut too deep, are a one hit kill. Where should I strike first?"

That was when Meiko shifted beside Sakura and she made the hare and serpent seals. She raised her hand to her lips in the tiger seal. A gust of very powerful wind made the entire fog dissipate and Sakura was left watching Meiko perform a jutsu in awe.

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