Four | Flickering Souls

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Atreus stands among the scattered students throughout the rose maze. His fingers interlock as he brings his hands to the front, eavesdropping on the eager whispers around.  A group of friends excitedly waves and huddles together.

"Did you hear? They say someone's challenged Housewarden Rosehearts to a duel!"

"Riddle Rosehearts? Seriously?! Whoever it is has gotta be outta his mind. Riddle will have his head off in five seconds flat."

"Still, it's the first challenge since Rosehearts took power. I'm pumped!"

He moves past another group of friends, gossiping about the same topic. Each student mirrored the one before with a grin stretching their face as they made bets on the duel. The contrasting students, Trey and Cater, exchange agitated expressions and gestures at the entrances.

"We are about to commence three challenges for the housewarden position at Heartslabyul House," Crowley announces, striding to the center with Ace, Deuce, Michio, Yuu, and Grim trailing after. The first three walk ahead of Crowley while the Ramshackle pair stays behind.

Crowley introduces each contender with an outstretched hand pointing to the students, "The first challenger is Ace Trappola. The second challenger is Deuce Spade. The third challenger is Michio Hanai. The current housewarden they have challenged is Riddle Rosehearts."

A ring of students encloses the battlefield. Atreus hovers around the back, peering over the shoulders of the students. The opposite side of the crowd disperses for Riddle's entrance, who crosses his arms with his scepter tucked into his embrace. Trey and Cater move from their previous location to stand behind their housewarden.

"Now, in accordance with the duel rules, please remove the magic-sealing collars as they would provide an unfair disadvantage."

Riddle complies, tapping his staff against the ground as the embedded gem emits a soft light. The collars click when it unlocks and vanishes in an instant.

Ace rubs at his bare neck to alleviate the soreness, "Ah! Finally, the dumb collar is off!"

Deuce remains tense in motion while Michio stares ahead with his hands held together to his chest.

"Enjoy your moment of freedom. The collar will be back on soon enough," the corners of Riddle's mouth turn up to display his confidence. The smirk falters when the thought of being underestimated crosses his mind, "I could hardly believe it when I heard you three intended to duel me. Is this a joke?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Ace furrows his eyebrows to emphasize his resolve.

Deuce firmly nods, "I'd never propose a duel as a joke."

Michio chimes in, letting his hands fall to his side, "Yep, yep, we are one hundred percent serious!"

"Hmph. Have it your way. Let us get this over with."

Before Riddle could move, Cater looked up from his phone, tilting it inward to his chest. The slight movement of his mouth is the only indication of their side conversation. Shortly after, Riddle brandishes his scepter with an outward fist to the challengers, "It appears I have little time to waste. Rather than facing my opponents in succession, I will take on all at once."

Spurred on by the assertion, the crowd of students erupts into cheering for the housewarden. Fists rise to the air while some cup a hand around their mouth for their voices to fill the rose maze. Trey's eyes never leave Riddle's back, too preoccupied with thoughts to even notice his glasses sliding down. The tension doesn't seem to affect Cater, who merely walks off to set up a table.

The lack of support riles the opposing team as they exchange glances of scowls and a handful of words. Grim attempts to argue on their behalf, but Yuu pacifies him with hushed whispers and a grin. Bored of their banter, Riddles urges the Headmage to begin their match.

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