Miracle Baby Mikaelson.

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New Orleans, Mikaelson Compound.

September 2011, (39 weeks pregnant)


he looked into my eyes before leaning in his eyes never leaving my lip but all of a sudden Hayley burst through the door but as soon as she saw us a jealous look came across her face and Elijah pulled away

"sorry but told me to get Klaus back here but I've finally got through and he's on his way" she explained

I nodded, "great thanks Hayley" I said as I tried to get out of bed

Elijah stood up helping me, "where do you think your going, you need to rest young lady" he said

I rolled my eyes, " this young lady needs to pee" I said

he smirked as he helped me stand up straight but as soon as I did a gush of liquid came rushing down my legs

I looked up towards Elijah and Hayley in shock as Nik came rushing through the door but before he could say another word he saw the scene in front of his eyes widened in surprise

"I think my waters just broke" I said with fear


As soon as I announced that my water had broken Nik had scooped me up instantly putting me into the before rushing me to the hospital before doctor had taken me to the maternity suit and hooked me up to some monitors

but all the rushing around was all for nothing as when the midwife had check my cervix it was only 4cm dilated making me groan in frustration knowing I was in for a long labour

I had officially been in labour eight hours now and I was board just sitting and waiting, I looked up from my book to see Elijah staring at the fetal monitor, Nik texting and Hayley looking tired

I took Nik's hand and squeezed it as he looked up" are you alright love, are you feeling any pain" he asked sitting up

"I'm fine Nik Please stop worrying, I've been through this before" I said softly

Elijah took his eyes off the monitor coming over to sit on the other chair beside my, "sweetheart your in pain and we won't stop worrying until you've both been given a clean bill of health" he said

I smiled at him but at that moment a pain came shooting right through me and it was a lot more pain the past ones, "ahhhhh, oooohhh god" I shouted through my teeth

"my love are you alright" he asked with worry

turning my head towards him with a glare, "I'm about to push a baby a out my vagina that has to expand to do so and your asking if I'm alright, what do you bloody think" I asked shouting

he just smirked at me, "now now love, don't be testy" he said

I glared harder, "I'll give you testy" I said pain pushed through me

"geeze, when this little girl come into the world we are going to have serious words" I said

"planning to ground your kid already" Hayley said

I glared at her, "I was joking, I'm in labour Hayley and in pain so kindly shut up" I snapped

"Hayley please to rile her up" Elijah said bearly taking his eyes off me

she scoffed before standing up, "I'm going to get a coffee or something" she said before leaving

just as she left my contraction ended and Dr Scolly came through the door making my face light up, "oh Dr Scolly am I glad to see you I'm surrounded by men and idiots" I said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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