🐎Chapter 3🐎

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(Two days later)
It was a peaceful morning that day,The sparklings were playing a game of hopscotch,Tumbler was cutting up some meat to make breakfast and Butterfly decided to go for a ride that morning,and used the amulet Pyroflame gave her to reduce her size to a human's so she would be able to ride a horse.
Butterfly then headed to the small stable in the sanctuary,and approached a pure black horse with charcoal colored eyes,it had been her horse since she was ten and she had named him Coalbell.
He was her favorite of all the horses she'd seen in the stable.
Cause he understood her.
"Ready for a ride my friend?" Butterfly asked as the horse purred and leaned against her hand as she pet it.
Butterfly nodded and carefully got on the horse.
"He-Ya!" Butterfly yelled as her Coalbell galloped through the woods.
Butterfly then got out her bow and arrows,shooting down targets that she had planted on the trees since she was a little girl.
Butterfly smiled,and put her bow and arrows away before she gently pet her horses mane once he stopped.
"You are a good horse,ya'know that." Butterfly said as she pet Coalbell's mane.
Coalbell neighed happily at this and Butterfly smiled before she saw a fire coming from the sanctuary.
"Stay Coalbell." Butterfly ordered as she ran over to the flames only to see..
Decepticon's.. Butterfly thought in horror as she saw Megatron and all the decepticon's fighting and killing whoever they wanted.
Butterfly growled in anger at this as she pulled out her bow and arrow and shot at Megatron,causing a arrow to hit him in the arm.
"Leave them alone!" Butterfly yelled as Megatron scowled at her.
"You! I should have killed you eons ago!" Megatron snarled as he ran towards her,grabbing her by the wings before she could flee or fight back.
"Now I will finish what I started." Megatron snapped as he was about to attack her before..
"No! You won't!" Pyroflame snapped as he knocked Megatron aside,causing Butterfly to fall to the ground.
"Run!" Pyroflame ordered as he and Megatron fought.
"But what about?.." Butterfly asked.
"Take the others and run away! Go!" Pyroflame ordered.
Butterfly hesitated.
What about you..I can't leave you! Butterfly thought.
"Now!" Pyroflame yelled.
Butterfly nodded and whistled,causing Coalbell and all the other horses to come running and pick up the others with there mouths and run out of the woods.
Butterfly then hopped on Coalbell and zoomed off,following the other bots and the horses carrying them.

-End of chapter.

Arrows with Butterfly Wings -A TFP OC Fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now