Midnight Thoughts

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So this is a bunch of thoughts I had in the middle of the night while I was ruining my sleep schedule and possibly mental health (though I doubt that can get any worse anyway). 

Some  of them are kinda deep, the others are plain stupid. 

∆ Why do kidnappers always use black tape to cover their victim's mouth? Why not just use the brown parcel tape or plain old clear tape? What's the obsession with black? Is it them devoting themselves to the whole 'wear black when committing crimes' aesthetic? Is it a fashion statement? Is it for some practical purpose? I've honestly never even seen black tape in an average stationary store. Where are they getting it from? The black market? *note the pun*

∆ Humans in a thousand years may not resemble those born in 1700s thanks to evolution. Go a little further in the future and they might even become a different species.

∆ The layer of dust covering your table which us nothing more than a minor inconvenience to you could be the remains of an ancient civilization.

∆ When you get emotionally attached to a fictional character, you're basically just falling in love with a figment of someone's imagination.

∆ The person who first gave me a reason to live wouldn't even bat an eyelid if I dropped dead this very second.

∆ Would we all still fall in love if there was no description of it? Would we all still love the same way if we didn't see someone else expressing their affection? Would we still place gentle kisses on lips and wrap our arms around each other if we didn't see anyone else doing it? Do we learn to love Or is it something that is engraved in the very essence of our existence?

∆ How does love even work by the way? Like just HOW? How did I just look at her one day and decided that I would willingly frag myself through the torturous hell that is called life if it meant seeing her smile. How did I just make my world revolve around her? Why her? Why me? HOW? It blows my mind every time.

∆ How much soap could a soap sponge soak if a soap sponge could soak soap? 

That's pretty much it for now. 

Thanks for listening!!! 

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