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In the bedroom of Carran Palace, a girl is seen sleeping soundly on the bed, but she appears to be in distress as her forehead is furrowed and her breath quickens. Almost inaudible groans fill the room. She tightly grips the thick blanket without realizing it.

Before the girl wakes up abruptly from her sleep. Her mouth opens wide, gasping for the lost breath. Her chest is heaving. Her face wrinkles, pale from the cold. The girl scans the room with wide eyes.

Her brow almost furrows together as she realizes where she is.

It seems... a dream?

The face of Queen Ummu and other members of her family. What's more, Tengku Bunga's face. How could the face of that woman be in her dream as her close friend?

Even though in reality, they are enemies!

The girl groans softly as she remembers another face of a man, but this one is faint. Not very clear. Blurry to the point where the girl can't even guess who the mysterious man in her dream is.

"Your Highness?"

"Has Your Highness woken up?"

The voices at the door of the room startle the princess from her reverie. She takes a long breath before giving permission to enter. It's already morning, apparently. She doesn't know what time it is now. The girl peeks out the window. The weather is bright.

The girl places both feet on the floor. She bows her head and runs her hand through her hair, lifting her head. Her figure is immediately reflected in the mirror nearby. The girl gazes at her reflection.

In the dream, her hair wasn't this color but blonde.

In the dream, her eye color wasn't this but gray crystal.

It's truly a strange dream. The girl has never dreamed of such things before. It even altered her appearance and demeanor.

In reality, however, the girl's hair is a glossy black. Her eye color is emerald green. Her appearance is more elegant and charming. Her demeanor is vastly different from that in the dream. Her life isn't as beautiful as it seems.

Her life in Carran Palace is like a snow mountain. Not cold in temperature, but cold in the demeanor of every member of her family. They prioritize order in the palace. Customs, rules, and so on. Things that seem absurd for the girl to follow.

"Does Princess Maisarah want to eat or bathe first?" asks Suri, the personal attendant in the palace, to Maisarah.

Maisarah turns. She looks at Suri blankly. Suri also appears in her dream. Hah... Maisarah sighs before getting up. She removes her sleep cardigan and walks to the bathroom, revealing her tall, slender figure with milky-white skin.

"I want to bathe. Just place the food on the table. I'll eat later." Maisarah's tone is cold.

"But, Your Highness..."

"Don't make me angry, Suri," Maisarah cuts in quickly, turning sharply to look at Suri with a sharp gaze. She hates it when her instructions are defied. Maisarah won't tolerate that.

"I... I didn't mean that, Your Highness. Your bath, the servants will handle it, right?"

"I don't want to. I can bathe on my own. Don't disturb me," Maisarah replies once again, her tone cold. She glares sharply at Suri.

Suri swallows hard. Maisarah's intimidating demeanor renders Suri speechless. Maisarah's anger and icy gaze always leave Suri feeling isolated. Even though she has permission from Queen Ummu to object, Maisarah's dominance cannot be challenged.