Chapter 15

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! Wow, has it been this long already???? I can't believe how fast time has passed and I truly want to take the time to apologize for practically leaving you guys hanging. It truly isn't like me but I have my reasons. I actually want to say thank you to all my patient readers and I pinky promise this chapter will make up for the lost time (hopefully lol). Okay, I have kept you guys waiting for long enough. Time to get on with the show! Enjoy! ❤


The lukewarm water cascaded down my bare back, instantly relaxing my now shaking form, as flashes of last night kept creeping up in the back of my mind. The Black Forest Pack greeting me with tight, yet reassuring, smiles; finding out that Sarah was soon going to be a mother; Claudia's harsh words...

My body froze in place as her words repeated once more in my mind. You will always be a human.

I looked down at my pale hands, seeming almost translucent under the sunlight that entered the small window to my left. They looked microscopic and thin, frail even, due to the lack of nutrition I have been neglecting my body for the past 2 years. And yet, staring down at them reminded me of just that, how ultimately weak I truly was. As much as I tried to convince myself last night that everything was truly alright, that things will fall into place and go back to being normal, I couldn't shake the negative thoughts that consumed my mind.

How could I, a mere human, become the next Luna of such a strong and powerful pack? Claudia was right, no one would even think or even remotely consider choosing a human to lead a pack of werewolves. I was already vulnerable enough as it was! 

I let out a long and heavy sigh, leaning against the cool tiles beside me as I watched droplets of water make their way down the length of the wall. Who am I kidding, I should have never come back to begin with. The best thing that I had done for this pack was leave in the first place. Not only was I a mere human, I wasn't even fit to be a decent leader for any group. I was never one to speak within a crowd or bark out orders to my fellow colleagues. All I could do was sit quietly in the corner and wait for someone to command me of my next task, in which I would instantly obey without question. How can someone like that ever lead such powerful beings to a better future? If anything, all I could do is lead them to their own demise.

I closed my eyes shut, sliding down the wall until I was crouched down on the floor. All these thoughts that were running through my head were nearly suffocating. I was taking deep breaths of air, yet I felt myself drowning beneath a sea of massive waves, dragging me down deeper and deeper into a never ending abyss. What was the goddess even thinking? Of all people, why me?

I groaned loudly, dropping my body onto the floor completely and a little too forcefully. Despite the small amount of pain that began to spread in my butt, I still felt nothing. I was back home, where I once thought and truly believed I belonged, and yet my heart was numb. I subconsciously ran a hand over my chest, pressing hard against my skin to feel anything....anything at all.

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