Prefection ¿?

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              Their life was going well . Each and every day was happy for them along with their small fights they were brought more and more close and falling in love more each day passing by . It was all perfect more perfect that they could ever imagine. It had been now three months since they again started living together.

             Dadi maa on the other hand was getting more and more sick . Everyone thought it was normal in that age but as time went by everyone was getting worried and now everyone was sitting in the waiting area . Why were they there ?

        Dadi maa had a heart attack/stroke , it was not major but enough to scare everyone and specially Saad as he had always been very close to her and this was real stress for him .

    Dadi came back home and it had been a week and Saad since the week was very quiet which worried Noor , he was not rude but only quite, there was no doubt that he loved her but he was worried for dadi maa . Noor tried to have conversations with him but he replied as short as possible. Today Noor decided that with any way she would make him talk and bring him back to Normal

Noor entered the room and it was about 10 pm , she saw Saad using his laptop sitting on bed , Noor didn't say anything as she had planned to ignore him until he talks by himself

Noor went to the dressing table as she started combing her hairs , she then started putting lotion and this was weird for Saad as Noor was a talkative person and specially with him it was hard that she ever kept quiet 

          Noor felt someone looking at her , she looked in the mirror and caught Saad looking at her . "Did something happen jaan ?" "No , why you thought so Saad ?"

"No you are just to quiet today" "hmm" Saad was surprised on the short answer she gave , he put his laptop aside as he got up from bed and went to her and held her hands bringing her to bed and making her sit as he stood on his knees and he held her hands saying

"Jaan , tell me if something is wrong hmm ?" Saad said sweetly as he kissed her hand's back "No I am alright Saad" "well you're not love , because the Noor I know is never quiet and specially not with me or this much with anyone"

"I am totally fine" "Honey , you can tell me . Remember I am your friend even before husband hmm ? I mean if you are scared of telling the husband then tell this friend" "you are thinking to much Saad I am perfectly fine" Noor said giving him a small smile

"Noor , Jaan , my love , tell me if anything is bothering you even if you think it is small still tell me . Did I do something that hurt you ?" Saad asked and Noor replied "your behaviour Saad , it is worrying me , alot"

"You know that I am worried because of dadi maa right?" "Yah I know nut you have stopped talking, I know you are worried for her , so is everyone else but they share what they feel and you are not even talking about it to me , I am worried for you Saad"

        Hearing her Saad made her get up and sit on bed properly as he also got onto bed lying as he put his head on her lap and placing her hand in his hairs by his own hand as he started speaking "can we please stay like this for some time Jaan ?" "Yes for as long as you want my love"

         "I ... I am worried no I am scared , I don't want to loose dadi maa . Ever since the stroke I am scared ... scared of loosing her . Ever since I can remember I have always been with her , whenever I needed her she was there and now she is dying and I can't do anything. Noor I am scared very scared"

     Noor was listening to him silently, she knew how close him and dadi maa were . Noor felt her trousers wet and by his voice cracking up it was not hard for her to understand that he was crying, sobbing . Saad said

" Noor please save her . Please do something I ...(sobs) I can't loose her , I don't even want yo imagine not ever seeing her again or listening to her voice ever again . Please (crys harder and gets up as Noor hugs him and he rests his heat on Noor's chest) please baby please save her , do something"

    Noor's heart was breaking into pieces as she couldn't see the person she loves the most in such a bad and broken condition. Noor's eyes were filled with tears as she was feeling broken herself seeing Sad in such a condition but she had to stay strong . Not for herself but Saad .

"Shhh my love , she will be alright na . She can't leave us so soon hmm ?" Said Noor trying to make Sad calm down as he was crying and she was hugging him , comforting him . Noor kissed his head and held his hand kissing it and made him look at her by saying " Saad look at me hmm , she will be alright and tonight I say you sleep with her . You should be with her . She is alright and would love to see you with her"

"Yah I think you are right, I should be with her , she must be scared aswell" "exactly Saad" Noor pecked his lips and then his eyes softly and then wiped his tears

      Saad went to sleep with dadi maa that night and in the morning she was woken up by the maid and she quickly put on a robe as she came downstairs as she didn't understand what was going on , she saw the family doctor there and everyone was crying and they were standing outside dadi maa's room . Noor understood what was happening but she didn't want to believe it

           She went inside the room and saw Saad holding dadi maa's one hand and crying hard and Noor went to him and put her one hand on his shoulder and he looked at her , eyes filled tears continuously tears rolling down . Noor's eyes were now also filled with tears as she heard the words coming out of Saad's mouth

"Noor dadi maa ... she left us . She ... she die-" before he could complete his sentence Noor hugged him as he again broke down . It was not easy for anyone as first dad abu and now dadi maa both had left this world .


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