Chapter 42 - Mysterious Things

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Friday, ???????? ??, 2023

Warning: Contains- Blood, Shadows, Panic attacks and mild vomit!

The thing is that...well... Rschvania did say that she would help defeat Arctic and somehow she is in the human realm doing nothing meaningful.

Just sitting in bed while her friends are probably working their tails off, Rsch hasn't been out in a week but Hail visited for an hour or so which made Rschvania's day.

Hail scared Krus so hard! That night Krus held onto her until she woke up at 11am.

Rsch did miss the eventful life of living with dragons and her friends who probably missed her too, she knew Hail and Acinonyx did.

Today was Friday and Rschvania was going to visit the rest of her friends today! Sarvente commented on how she thought her friends maybe faking their identity as dragons but Rsch just snapped at her.

The one time Rschvania makes friends, people only comment on how they might be bad influences on her, Sarv was the Devil and no one harshly commented on her! But Acinonyx comes to bring her home and she's a threat to everyone around her by standing there.

But soon Rsch might have another child soon and Krus would need to hide for a bit.

From Fire Chicken and Acinonyx who would probably kill him.

It was currently 1pm and Rsch said her friends would pick her up at 1:30.

Right now Krus was snuggling Rsch from behind, underneath a tree while Sarvente was watering her garden, he rested his head in her neck and she sighed with a smile.

Rschvania reopened her eyes and stared into the patch of trees that was infront of them and she saw a large shadow that was in the shape of a Sandwing with sharp fins and a crippled left foot, it looked at her then she saw its wing disappear and it's head did bleed.

She whimpered and snuggled into Krusveto, she turned around so her face was buried into his neck, Rsch slammed her eyes shut as she heard Krus muffled words that, shouldn't be muffled...

Rsch turned her head around to see that dragon in full height staring down with a creepy face, Rschvania held out her hand to the dragon then the dragon leaned its neck closer to Rschvania's hand and when it's snout reached her hand a feeling rushed through Rsch.

It wasn't new, it was like Acinonyx was that shadow, but if it was her... why was her- its head bleeding, its foot crippled and the wing gone?

Was she in danger? Something is going to happen and it's to someone she knew.

Once she was back in reality Krusveto held the hand the shadow rested its snout on, her face was still buried in his neck.

She gasped and crawled out of his embrace, he looked worried for her and once Rsch's breath slowed down Krus held her hand which when Rsch looked at it, her hand was bloody and it wasn't hers.

Her breath picked up and she soon started hyperventilating and panicking, Rschvania clutched her head and looked at the ground, Sarvente had came over to the sence and the nun had been asking her questions that she hadn't been focusing on.

Until Krusveto said, 'We should tell her friends that she's sick...', "NO!" Rsch shouted then started crying, both Sarv and Krus looked at each other then at Rsch again, "One of them are in danger, I- saw a shadow and it was hurt- badly, it touched my hand- and-" She couldn't finish before Krusveto took her in his arms and soothed her.

"Should we call a therapist?" Krusveto asked, Sarvente nodded while Krusveto kept whispering tips to slow her breathing down and just held onto her but she didn't stop.

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