A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers

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Ok, so I know I haven't really been following the story very well, but I'm currently rereading the actual books and I've watched the show.  So the story for the rest of the Lightning Thief will mostly follow the show, then I'll base the story off the books.  ENJOY!

Lucas, Annabeth, Grover, and Alexa stood at the edge of the highway, watching us walk up the hill.

Lucas: Took you guys long enough.

Sarah: Sorry, we had to fight the Chimera.

Annabeth's eyes widened and she rushed over to Percy, asking if he was okay.

YN: We're fine, apart from having all been thrown from the the top of the Arch.

Alexa: You WHAT?  How are those two alive?  And why do you have wings?

YN: I caught Sarah.  As for the wings, I have no clue.

Percy: I hit the water, but I-

The sounds of sirens approaching cut him off.  Alexa grabbed my arm and Sarah's and pulled us behind a rock, as Annabeth tackled Percy to the ground.  His face turned a bit red as he looked at us, confused as the police cars sped by.

Lucas: So uh... the police think that we did that.

He pointed to the Gateway Arch behind us, where smoke was billowing from the top.

YN: Dammit.  That's gonna make it a whole lot harder to get on a train or bus.

Percy: Either way, a Nereid came to me underwater.  We need to go to Santa Monica.

YN: How do we...


We are now walking down a long road, in the middle of nowhere.

YN: This sucks ass.

Lucas: You said it.

Annabeth: YN, can you fly into the air and see if there's any food nearby?

I nodded, spreading my wings and flying into the air.  The wings are now permanently there, but I guess mortals can't see them since I did my best to show them on our way out of St. Louis.  I got to a decent height and looked around.  There were no buildings in sight, but there was a motorcycle driving down the highway towards us.  I flew back down, landing in front of the others.

YN: There's a motorcycle coming.  No food though.

Lucas: Maybe we could-

Alexa: There's no way we'd all fit on it, Lucas.  We're not stealing a motorcycle.

Annabeth: Let's just let it pass.  Get behind the median.

We all ducked down behind the barrier on the side of the road, as the motorcycle was getting closer.  Suddenly, the engine stopped right behind us.

???: You know, your wings are sticking out from behind the wall. You guys need some help?

We all peeked over the wall, looking at the man.

The Son of Death (Percy Jackson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now