Part 13: No Power? 💀

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December 25, 35794 - 13:13:13

Fireteam Elder

Power Processing and Distribution Facility 'Beta'

Common Republic of Starin [CROS]



A massive orange-hot spike twice the height of the main facility building impaled itself through, forming a cross-like slashing motion after. The main building was cut in four, and a massive flaming red shape broke through. destroying most of the facility. An orange-ish trail followed where the spike slashed, also creating a strange sound.

The creature that bore the spike, which was actually a horn, now came into full view. It seemed to be perpetually burning, was covered in red, scaly skin, several bat-like wings, an upright stance, and a certainly demonic-looking face, several sharp teeth jutting out its front. The creature then let out a very loud roar, which seemed to resemble screaming.

The creature fired a purplish beam with extra smaller beams around it that resembled lightning. The beams would split, raining onto CROS shelters and heavily damaging them, leaving craters that exposed much of the facility to the planet's open air. The creature flew over to one of the larger shelters it heavily damaged, its red forked tail slightly moving. The creature was peeking through the hole the shelter was in.

It was full of CROS personnel, which the creature immediately took out with its beam. It then flew into the ground where the shelter was, swinging its head wildly and its horn taking out what remained of the structure. After this, the creature emerged from the ground, turning to Fireteam Elder. The creature's chest began to open up.

It spit out smaller wingless creatures appearing like crabs yet with similar bodily features to the massive thing, and after spitting out a few thousand of these crab-like miniature versions of itself, created a glowing purple portal in the sky. Thinking fast, Elder 1-1 threw an OVRB beacon drone into the air, which followed the creature through the portal, the portal shutting as soon as the red thing got in.

The caldera was now filled with roughly 7,500 of these creatures, which broke up into swarms, targeting CROS personnel. Multicolored flashes seen in CROS thaumaturgic firearms' muzzle flashes popped up everywhere and stayed lit like lanterns. The facility's personnel were visibly running and making their ways to escape pods, which many of them reached.

After all of the CROS personnel had either escaped or died, the creatures turned to Fireteam Elder. They immediately started charging as one swarm towards their end of the caldera, as the fireteam did not hesitate and started firing their M1290s and quick-switching to their RACS-12 systems from time to time.

The creatures were being mowed down as they charged, hundreds dying as the firing began and forming piles of dead. Elder 1-1, still firing his M1290 though with one hand, threw down a CSGEM system mounted with modified M1290s. This formed a sort of ball turret, which he got into, opening up on the red creatures.

A few hundred more died from the CSGEM's guns, which roared at their usual quiet volume. The massive 40mm rounds being fired from these systems ripped and tore through the creatures' lines, yet they still kept charging. High-caliber beam rounds continued ripping through the swarm of red creatures until the last one remained.

The last creature, seeing literally all of its comrades die, assumed a sitting position. The creature seemed to be thinking about what it should do, as the fireteam took the opportunity to knock the creature out and bag it up, hitting it over the head with an M1290's stock. The creature was caged and sent to a scanning facility, where drones immediately began enacting their probing protocols.

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