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As Kaia and I were queuing for the concert, there were a loud group of women behind us, all wearing something bright and pink and half of them looking as fluffy as a goddamn bird. I saw a black sash on one of them reading 'bride to be'. Fantastic. Screaming women were a given at the concert, but a bachelorette party were so much worse.

"Are you ready?" Kaia asked as she finished her drink.

"For what? The screaming banshees behind us or to try get to the front?"

"Option number three. Seeing him." Kaia looked at me, seeming to try gauge a reaction.

"Trust me, it's not on my list of thrills, but, unfortunately, they have good music. So, I am willing to put him behind me for a few hours to enjoy a night with you. Your birthday. So, my feelings right now are irrelevant." Just keep lying Lexi, whatever gets you through this night.

We'd planned for a while to celebrate Kaia's birthday, granted she was only turning twenty-seven, but I wasn't a person who believed that people were only allowed to celebrate 'big' birthdays. Who knows how many birthdays you get in this life; I say celebrate as many as you can.

Eventually, the line started moving and we were allowed into the building, security checking our bags and scanning us from head to toe. The next move was to get to the toilets before everyone else and then get to the front of the show, which personally, I was fine not doing, but Kaia wanted a full front view of Austin, her obsession with guitarists ever growing.

We managed to get to the front, being on the right side of the stage, just past the middle. A good enough area for me to stand where I'd be able to get full view of the whole band, and risk being in view of the full band. But that wasn't stopping me from enjoying myself. And the risk of being noticed by Hudson were slim. He had no idea I was coming tonight, and he wouldn't notice me even if he did, not unless he decided to play the drums at the front of the stage tonight.

"Hey, do you have any service in here? I need to message my Mom and let her know we made it, but my cell isn't getting any bars." Kaia was holding her phone in the air like it was the Olympic torch.

"Kaia, you're twenty-seven, why do you need to message your Mom?" I'd never understood the relationship she had with her Mother, more so, I was envious of what they had.

Kaia sighed and looked at me like I was a puppy with a broken paw. She knew the damaged relationship I had with my Mom and hated it as much as I did. Usually, I didn't let it affect me as much as I was right now, but I guess being here was just adding to the weight of self-pity I was battling. Jesus, I either needed to get laid or get drunk. Both would be great right now.

"I'm sorry, here, I have all the bars, go nuts." I handed her my phone, feeling like a royal ass for being such a bitch.

The crowd had picked up quickly, the arena being packed from top to bottom. A couple of years ago this place wouldn't have been this full, in fact I'm not even sure this would have been a venue of choice for the band. Well, maybe. Maybe I'm just rightfully bitter. Kaia and I found them about five years ago when we went to another gig and they were the opening act. I could remember it like it was yesterday, five guys walking out and introducing themselves as Primal Lurk. Kaia was obsessed the minute she laid eyes on the lead guitarist, Austin. He's tall, dark, handsome, and plays guitar, checking every single box for Kaia. Their music was hard rock, very Nothing But Thieves, their increase in fans rising quick over the last two years. They'd had many gigs around Ohio, which me and Kaia always got tickets for. Last year the band did a meet and greet tour with only a limited amount of tickets available, which we saved up for and managed to score two tickets. That whole day was a blur, and I'm still reaping the consequences to this day.

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