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"Beer. Pint. And don't go far, because I'll need another one in about five minutes." I said to Matt, the barman.

"Wow, that bad?" He grabbed a glass and started pouring the beer.

"You have no idea." I put my head in my hands, the words repeating over and over in my head.

You're a vixen at night, a secret to see,

And no one will claim you, no one but me.

You're here with me now, in the palm of my hand,

I'll hold you forever, you're all I have planned.

If I ask you to, will you risk it all?

He wrote every word, and they played it for the first time tonight. Was there a coincidence in that? Because everything inside of me told me that there was not a chance in hell, that any of this was a coincidence. And how did he have the nerve, the audacity, to write about us? I know no one knows who the song is about, but...we have nothing other than one night where had a few drinks together. Drinks. I shook my head, getting rid of the thoughts and grabbing the beer that Matt put in front of me. I took a deep breath and chugged half the beer, some part of it helped calm me, another part of it made the thoughts swirl deeper and deeper until I wanted nothing than to fall into the abyss of the night.

Don't do it Lexi.

His hands were rough, he smelt of powdery muskiness and cigarettes, his eyes a deep brown, with a tint of shine to them when he was caught in the light. His hair draped down to his cheeks, each brown strand in a wave, one strand stood out, it was blonde, a dirty blonde, on the left side of his hair. It fell in shape with the rest of his waves, but made me wonder if it was something he added, or if it was a natural colour. He was tall and broad, his arms showing that he definitely worked out, his chest filling his shirt so perfectly, just leaving a little looseness to it. He was so damn beautiful. His jawline so prominent that it took everything in me not to trace it with my fingers. Everything about him screamed dominance, screamed confidence.

"Enjoying the view, little star?"

No. No, no, no, dammit it, no! This is what he wants. He wants to be in my mind, in my train of thought, to have the 'what if' swirling around my mind, repeating itself until I ate away at the ache in my stomach that told me to go back to that venue and demand to see the arsehole. No doubt he'd stay there all night, waiting for me to appear at his beck and call, to show that he is in fact on my mind and only seeing him to shout and berate him gives me the peace of mind that I need. And then look at that, he has exactly what he wants. Me, right where he can have me. Jesus, I need to calm down. I've never been this irritated by someone before. Not since...no! Lexi, keep yourself calm. You're out of the venue now, just, breathe, drink, and have a good time. Nothing can happen now that can make this worse. It's all o-..is that my phone?

I pulled it out my bag after hearing it ding three times.

"Unknown number: Blocking my number, huh? You think that's going to stop anything, my little star?"

"Unknown number: Lucky Eights, again? Are you re-living memories, Lex?"

"Unknown number: We can re-live them together. I have you on replay every night."

My heart sank. What the fuck. What game is he trying to play with me? I hadn't heard from him in nine months, so why the hell was he speaking to me now? And how did he know where I was? I gave a quick glance around the bar, but couldn't see him. Did he have me followed? I didn't want any part of his little games, not now. I threw my phone on the bar counter and grabbed my drink, drinking just under half of it, throwing everything I had into the burning sensation in my throat from not being able to breathe but allowing in the alluring feeling of the alcohol.

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