Chapter 2 - I'm sorry

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I haven't updated in sooo long and i'm so sorry! so, here is an update!

Kion was walking around the tree of life territory, just thinking of how his life is, thinking 'what changed' Rani was so caring and so nice but now, she's always so rude he didn't know what t-

"Ow!" Kion looked up and somehow he had ended up infront of the Tree of Life and bumped into someone who was now towering over him..... did you guess who it was

Balio, I bet you didn't guess that!

"oh my gosh i'm so sorry Balio! I-I um-" Kion stuttered.

"Hey its all good Kion, why you so worked up dude?"

"oh um nothing, I'll just go now, sorry again!" Kion said in a hurry.

Balio caught Kion by the tail with his paw and Kion stoped.

"Kion what is going on? you have been very distant lately"

Kion was shook, he thought his fake smiles and enthusiasm was working for him.

"oh! um it's nothing just you know, Kingly duties are taking a toll on me I guess" Kion shrugged nervously.

"Nah man i'm not taking that" Balio tried to put a paw on Kions shoulder but Kion jerked away.

"woah dude whats wrong" Balio asked surprised.

"oh um I Just thought I saw a fly" Kion said looking away.

Balio Just gave him a suspicious look and shrugged "ok man whatever you say"

"K see you later Balio" Kion said as he looked down and walked away.

Balio watched him sympathetically and went to Rani. He knew if anything, she had something to do with it.

Once again guys I am so sorry for not updating in like 7 months! I hope to do another chapter today or sometime in the near future! Byeee

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